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im so mixed up this could be a long one. dont know if i need advice or just need to vent, ive been with my bf for 6 months but..

latley i just dont seem to be interested in the relationship, ive had a lot going on just moved swaped jobs and been unwell in and out of hospital in fact.

Anyway back to the realationship part i just dont seem to wanna spend time with him, not interested in sex or anything.

In some ways i think i should end it his a complete angel to me treats me so well with all that ive been through in the last few months his been there for me, but his also ready for so much more than i am he wants to move in & all tho he doesnt ask he does say constantly "when your ready babe" i feel i should talk to him but his so emotional he would get very upset if all i said was i need space.

really just dont know how i feel i do enjoy being around him but i just cant see a future right now do you have to see a future, my last realationship was 3.5 years and he hurt me bad my sis thinks maybe im just scared to get hurt again but i dont know. anyway it was good to get this off my chest thanks to anyone who reads and replys

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May be you could arrange a few days trip to go out with just your sister. This would give you time to think what direction you want to go.


Even though when two person are in a relationship, it does not mean that two of you have to be together all the times 24/7. Everyone needs space and time for just themselves.


I think you just need some space.

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yes, dont break up wiht him, i think you would regret it, and i dont think this is something to break up over. give it a little while. you need time a part from him thast for sure, but i dont think a break up. as an above poster said prior, go out with your sister, hang out wtih your friends, or have just some YOU time.

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