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mom's cooking

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i think it has deteriorated in quality.


let's say a recipe uses chicken. she will use beef with some weird sauce because she doesn't have chicken. and it wont taste very good.


or let's say the recipe uses soy sauce, broccoli, and something else. and she will leave out a few sauces, a few ingredients and then tell me that it tastes exactly the same.


i am just annoyed. because it doesn't. it tastes unfulfilling and unsatisfying. sure, it makes you full and it is food (and i am glad it's food) but....it just bugs me.


she is a homemaker and stays at home. all of her kids are grown. she has A LOT of time. i wonder why she doesn't take more pride in her cooking...i feel like it's done so half-assed.


i cook myself....i cook very well but don't have time because i am so busy working. but when i do, i prepare everything with care. so this may be why it drives me crazy when she doesn't. but seriously, she has so much time!! it may be the perfectionist in me...


but i get very aggravated but then i try to hide it.


and then she gets mad when i go out and get a lot of fast food. but say it's a mushroom sandwhich. she would leave out the mushrooms and put in radish with bread and tell you that it is exactly the same.


sometimes i wonder if im missing some taste buds because it doesnt taste the same to me.

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the rent is skyhigh in this area.


well, then why does she get mad when i go out and get fast food? i eat on the run, i dont have time to cook. but she'll get pissed off cuz of this.


i wouldn't trade her for the world, but i have to vent somewhere because honestly, it bugs me. and i try very hard to hide it but arghhh.

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maybe she just wants to relax and not have to worry about pleasing everyone now. you said that all her kids are grown, maybe she feels she earned her time off and doesn't need food critics?


Exactly. She has been cooking longer than you have been alive. She's sick of it. My mom's the same. She said when we all moved out she just lost interest. Why would your mom still be wanting to cook for a 24 year old?


Start cooking for her.

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i take her out to eat. well, she does nothing all day long. it's not like i expect a meal a day. but seriously, something nice a few times a week would be nice. especially since she knows my schedule is crazy.


im not even sure if it's that. it may be the lack of pride in her cooking. i cant stand slap dash and go. i used to want to be a professional chef and to see ppl take quality ingredients and churn it into a mess...wahh....


but then, when she is watching a cooking show and she tries to imitate it, she may leave out the salt or some key ingredient. and it drives me crazy. i tell her she can leave it out after she makes the recipe once and understands what flavor components are in it but to not do it the first time.


yes yes, something about it bothers me.

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You're old enough to be thinking in terms of your mother as an equal.

If she wants to sit around all day, and not even cook for you, that's her choice. It's laughable that you even consider that she should work around you, your schedule, your tastes.


I'm sorry teacup, you say a lot of offensive things, and this one truly bothers me.

You are lucky to have a mother. You are lucky that you have someone who is willing to cook for you, house you, and put up with this nonsense.

Grab the opportunity to be thankful. Family is precious. They have this nasty habit of dying off.


Your mother is a grown woman who can do what she pleases.


I honestly can not even understand this mentality.

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it's sloppy work. it would be nice if she had more pride in it.


Oh dear,


What about your pride?

Could you not help her a little?

With the groceries

With preparations

With washing up



--------I did not say this--------

Why does mom not just fire you?

You are -4 by my score.

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that's because im open and honest and say everything that bothers me. i dont try to sugarcoat it.


i am sure i can try very hard to have this perception of this world as perfect and where i am only supposed to say the politically correct things, but that doesnt change the feelings i have that well up in me. and unfortunately, my feelings are just that, my feelings. they just come up in me. and then i come here to vent.


i cannot even vent here? i dont even say anything to her in real life. and i cannot even say what really bothers me on a forum?


i suggest if u dont like the offensive things i say, then put me on ur ignore list.

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I honestly can not even understand this mentality.


I can unfortunately only agree. It is sad to see someone who has devoted their lives to bringing up her chilren be spoken about in this sort of way.


Please print your posts in this thread out Teacup, put them away for 30 years and read them again when your adult kids are still relying on you or shelter.

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i dont want any kids.


u know what? im tired of being told how i "should" feel and "should" think and "should" do.


all i do is come here to tell how i really think, how i really feel and what i really do. and i dont want to analyze every single thing for how it's not supposed to be this way and i "should" feel this way or "should" do that.


how do you know that i dont love my mom? me and my sister tried to buy her a gucci bag and we want to take her travelling and we buy her presents and i tell her i love her all the time and i hug her. but that doesn't mean she doesnt drive me insane.

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the feelings i have that well up in me. and unfortunately, my feelings are just that, my feelings.


Then you will appreciate we can only respond as our feelings dictate after reading your post. You need to recognise how selfish and self centred your feelings make you appear.

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i dont want any kids.


Might be a good idea. They are hard work. I know, I'm home alone looking after my 5 month old, in between studying and after a 60 hour week managing a large team of people. I'll still find time to make my lunch and cook dinner for my partner and I. Not to mention squeezing the grocery shopping in somewhere.

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I don't think that you guys should be personally attacking teacup, sorry... She asked a question, she didn't ask to be judged by you.


Teacup, I think that it's probably just a phase that she is going through... either that or she has been watching Jamie Oliver and getting some crazy recipes!!!


It may also be that she has been at home for so long that her routine is starting to bore her....

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I don't think that you guys should be personally attacking teacup, sorry... She asked a question, she didn't ask to be judged by you.


Teacup, I think that it's probably just a phase that she is going through... either that or she has been watching Jamie Oliver and getting some crazy recipes!!!


It may also be that she has been at home for so long that her routine is starting to bore her....


We are not attacking her. We are replying to her posts.

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