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Allergic to lotion??

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I've never heard of allergic reactions to lotions-- but anything is possible. I don't know if a certain ingredient makes lotion what it is, but if you could narrow it down somehow through your Dr on what that ingredient is you could get something that doesn't have it in there.


I'm not sure about lotion alternatives, but where I would look is maybe home-made lotion recipes (maybe) But hopefully there's an alternative to lotion, but I'm not sure what it could be. I think you'll have luck finding something, and I'm sorry I don't know of any specific kinds.

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I sometimes use baby oil in stead of body lotion, because it makes my skin nice and soft and it's a whole lot cheaper than a lot of the 'proper' body lotions. Maybe you could try that? I wouldn't recommend it for your face though, too greasy.

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You maybe allergic to 'lanolin' like me! Ask at a chemist/drugstore and they'll advise you.


Be careful of choosing products for yourself because some manufacturers don't use the word lanolin on their products but it's still in the product.


Good luck.

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  • 1 year later...

i formed a nasty rash on my upper right arm 1 week into healing my tattoo. I started out thinking it was a+d might have used to much of it. Anyways i stopped and used curel for a week. u know keeping the rest of my arm clean and dry making sure to only apply it on the tat and blog off any access. but after a week of that its hasn't gotten worse but not better either. so know i am thinking i might be allergic to something in lotions (palmitate, mabe petrolatum) witch i seems to be found in every lotion. and it think the last time i did use a lotion witch was when i was younger like around 8 or 9 yrs ago i had some irritation of the skin. i have payed a visit to the tattooist and he said the same just keep it dry and clean. so i just stopped with the lotion all together its only been one day im just gonna have to wait and see if not i need to make some calls i guess.

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For me, it is scents and dyes that cause reactions. As well as lanolin (used in Lubriderm) - I found this one out last time I got a tattoo and they recommended using that one (I switched to something else they recommended with no problems).


Use hypoallergenic lotions and test them out on a small area where you normally do get these reactions for a few days consistently. If no reaction, you are probably good to go!


Generally I use Jergens Unscented/Hypoallergenic and certain Aveeno lines. Sounds like you are super sensitive though! I would check out an organics store, they often have more natural lotions that MAY be less irritating (unless something in them is still bothering you).


Have you ever had an allergy test done? It may be good as it can narrow things down for you.

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