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OMG attraction revelation!!!!

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Ok, so you know how everyone's always like, "it's personality that really makes someone attractive" and you're always like, yeah right, blaah blah (well at least i was). I've realized its true!! But really only in a certain context.


There are some people that really aren't that cute, like if you actually look at their face, it's not all that amazingly attractive. But it's the way they carry themselves, they act like there's no doubt in the world that they're attractive, and BAMB, they get plenty of attention for the opposite sex (this is at least true with girls getting guys). For the longest time it would annoy me sooo much that these girls that really weren't that pretty where getting this GOREGOUS guys, i'd be like what the hell!!


I'd look at them and think, you're actually kinda chunky, and your face isn't that cute but you act like you're so amazing aren't you self conscious?!?!


Either way it didn't matter their outgoing personalities, attracted people. They didn't let thoes extra 10lbs stop them from going after the guys they wanted.


You guys it really is all about attitude!!!


Also i realised that i used to say "i don't think i could go out with someone unless i was physically attracted to them" i thought that ment that i thought their face and body looked good. BUT, i'm becoming attracted to people that seriously don't have a model status body or face and i find them sooo gorgeous because they have an AMAZING personality. They're confident, and talented, and intelligent and just gorgeous, and they're supposedly "physically" not that attractive.


I'm just soooo happy i finally realised this otherwise for the rest of my life i'd probably be going after guys that simply looked amazing and ending up disappointed because they're all shallow or something. There's so much more about a person that can attract you other than they're looks people!!


That makes me sooo happy because that means that if i'm able to accept the things about me that aren't amazingly perfect, if i'm able to become more self assured, confident, and work hard at the things i do enjoy someone will find me attractive!


Also, i never realized how much of a turn on intelligence is, like don't be a nerd and intelligent, you can just be the average kid whatever but intelligence is a turn on, so to all the guys out there that think acting like an idiot is hot, it's not!!!


Just know when to use that intelligence, don't be throwing huge words around all the time to show off. There is an inward intelligence that just creates a presense and is AMAZING!


There's so much to being attractive that looking good people! yes look you're best but also have confidence, it's the number one turn on i tell you, at least when it comes to finding guys attractive.


Tell me if you agree with all this, is it the same for guys finding girls attractive?????

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Yeah, I agree. I'm happy for you.


There's lots of added benefits to feeling secure about oneself too.

*You cull out a lot of people who want you just bc you look good in a bikini

*You will be happier, kinder (less judging and comparing going on), and it is easier to get things done

*It's easier to sluff off negative comments or keep an open mind when someone has an alternate opinion


Sure, there are some people who you just aren't attracted to for one reason or another. Some won't be attracted to you. Such is life. Does it really matter, right?

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LOL. :smile: I know how you feel; I had the same revelation a few years ago, when I started wondering why attractive guys were dating what I would view as unattractive girls. It is true that attitude is very important in drawing attraction. If you think you're gorgeous and all that, other people think so too, regardless of your appearance.

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