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Hey all, just a little vent here.

Last night I was at my friends 18th birthday party with all of my friends etc. Of course, my ex was there with all of his friends which was no problem, we are friends now. Didn't speak to him, smiled when he arrived but I was too busy having a good time to bother to try and chat to him.


Anyway, me and this guy, lets call him 'A' were talking. We are good friends, have been for some time. I was just sitting on his knee having a chat about the girl he likes and stuff. When it was time to go, A picked me up and gave me a big hug and a peck on the cheek to say thanks for the advice I had given to him about this girl. The ex saw this.


About half an hour later when I was at home, I received a text message from the ex saying "You and A looked very close, what's going on there". I replied saying "Oh nothing, we are just friends who were having a chat!" He text me back saying "Well even so, I don't like you talking to guys in front of me, you know I still care and I don't like it". Ok, I really didn't know what to say back to that so I just left it and went to sleep.


This morning when I woke up I had 4 texts from him saying stuff like "Do you hate me now", "why do you do this to me" etc. I text him back saying "Look i'm sorry, I was just out to have a good time with my friends including A, i was only giving him some advice it's nothing to get worked up and jealous over."


Then, i got a text back from him saying "I don't give a * * * * really, we are just friends after all".


Ok, this confused me cos like, he had been telling me not to talk to guys in front of him cos he cares and stuff, then he says he doesn't give a * * * *!!!!


We are ok now, we've sorted everything out and are friends again.

He keeps telling ME not to get ideas about us getting back together (even though i've made it very clear that i never want to get back together) and now i feel like it should be me saying that to him. He's giving me very mixed messages.


Any guys (or girls) out there want to interpret this for me?

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Hi xblondyx,


He is an immature and instable young man only able to treat you like his property and want's to control you. This is degrading. You split up with him already (for good reasons the way it looks like), which was the hardest part.


Friendship? What does he know, what can he do? Better not spend time with him and put in your mind "that he is history".


How can you feel happy and find decent friends/bf when you destabilize yourself with his "friendship"?

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