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so confusing... please help me out.. what does it mean?!

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well as some of you know, me and my ex broke up like 2 weeks ago...

and we're really close and good friends...


[on a side note, some of you might have read the letter i said i was gonna give to her, well i havn't yet... didn't think the timing was right...]


well ok again.. we're close and good friends, and we meet up a lot too. we hang around in town... and everything... with other friends too...

the first week and a half, she was behaving... just like a friend... doing normal things friends would do..


but in the last few days, it seems like (I don't know... that's why i need your help...!!) she's trying to get closer to me again...

for example.... [yesterday] me and her had this kinda play fight thing, lol.. just like hitting each other, laughing and everything... i stayed to trying to give her a couple of dead arms, but she hit me in my stomach and everything, knowing i'm not gonna get hurt... so that's ok.. it was funny... we had fun. lol...


and also... it seems like she's trying to find ways to just touch me... not in particular places... but anywhere... she does that quite a lot too since yesterday...


another thing, which is quite common when flirting, is being a little unfair... for example, yesterday and today, she's against me in anything really, but not in an unfriendly way, in a way... i can't describe.. but like.. wanting to catch my attention and everything. you know?


one last thing, but this could also just be a factor of friendship, today we were having pizza, and she made some bitchy comment towards me, that kind of pissed me off a little, so i just went and sat down at the couch, and after a bit, she started making some jokes, and for one of them i smiled, and she went ''Yay!! you're smiling again!!''


i dunno... is that a sign for anything, or am i just making myself too many hopes?


i wouldn't mind giving it another try at a relationship, since there are tons of things i'd do better...


anyway, thanks in advance for the comments you guys will give me...




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How did you guys break up? Did one of you break up with the other and why? It's very difficult to remain friends after being in a relationship. Wether you get back together or not depends on why you broke up in the first place. Sometimes people don't know what they have until it's gone.

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maybe youre reading way into her actions. its hard to analyze your ex's actions when youre being in that friendship stage plus you seem to want more than she does. i say, just enjoy each other's company and dont pressure her into getting back together...it will happen if its what she wants...good luck

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Personally, its a lot easier to not be friends w/ an ex and THEN get back together, rather than being w/ them all the time. MAYBE she really is confused and has no idea what she wants...that could explain her being flirty and telling u a week ago that she didnt think of u in the same way anymore(read my post, SAM Blazes) and you'll udnerstand what I'm going through when it comes to that.


But on her flirting...go with it, but keep it fun. I would say though, that in my experience, she wanted u/dated u in the first place NOT because u were friends first, right? At least thats how it works w/ me and most of my boys...I think its really hard for a girl to go from a friend to a boyfriend in a few beats...so my advice is to STOP hanging out w/ her so much, and see if she starts to call you...maybe that'll be a first step to getting back with her and goin from there...


IF SHE DOESNT CALL and u stop hanging out w/ her, for one, it doesnt mean that a friendship is gone(we are all very busy ;-) ;-) ) and two, it makes it easier for u to get over her as you're not seeing her and three, there are others out there(go out to the bar/different schools/differnt friends) and see WHAT OTHER girls out there offer. If u stop hanging out as much w/ her and she doesnt call, and the next time u two do see each other and she asks "why havent u been hangin out w/ me? " U can say "well I've been really busy working out/pumpin iron/going out on other dates/having fun/finding myself and what I want/or just spending time with other friends I havent seen in a while..." SHOWS THAT YOU'RE PROACTIVE, YOU'RE NOT LETTING THIS GET U DOWN, (even though it may be...a lil acting never hurt anybody!) and that you do have a life outside of her...


thats my take.


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