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Congrats! Now wait until he starts kicking you in the ribs or lower pelvis....especially ar 2 in the morning...."yay"!




But yeah I am sure he will become much more real to you now too, now that you can feel him moving around in there!!!

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With all the support I have from my parents, brother, and Ian, I know with all of us together, he will have enough love and guidance to become a really great person.


Yep, I have to go to the doctor's every 2 weeks because I'm high risk because of losing the other twin.


We decided to do his bedroom the Ninja Turtles.. Considering we're laying here watching a Ninja Turtle tape, I'd say we're still immature in ways lol. But that's okay to be immature about this kind of stuff.

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I actually left class and went to find Ian during school so he could try to feel it lol. He said he couldn't though.


I've felt him a couple times. This pregnancy is finally being really real to me know and I'm excited and very scared at the same time.


Congratulations!!!! We wish you the best!!




Best -


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It feels awesome doesn't it when you finally feel those movements of the baby? I remember the first feelings of that when I was pregnant. The first feeling I had was almost like feeling a butterfly fluttering inside me.


As time goes on you will feel more and more of the kicks, movements, etc. It feels really weird when the baby gets the hiccups while inside you.


Take good care of yourself.

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Did you say you lost a twin? I once heard someone was pregnant with twins and lost one... I had no idea that could really happen...


Yeah I was pregnant with twins and I didn't know. I was having really bad cramps and I went to the hospital and they did a couple ultrasounds and figured out that I was pregnant with twins and I only miscarried one of them.


Yeah, it definitely feels weird when he kicks. It's almost like getting your insides pushed on. I don't know, there's really nothing that can describe the feeling.

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I haven't been actively participating in this thread, but I want you to know that I look frequently for updates from you.

I am so happy for you that things are going well, and am really looking forward to reading about your progress and about Ian Kyle's birth!

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Wait till he starts kicking hard enough to where your stomach pops up a little. That's what I'm going through right now - I'm 28 weeks along and about 2 weeks ago, noticed that my stomach was jumping. That's when I was finally able to feel him moving from the outside. But it's weird, when you're in public (say, a doctor's office) and your stomach is jumping all over the place. My mom said that when she was really far along, she'd see my sister's foot pop up, and knew it was her foot because of the shape. It'd pop out far enough that she could grab it! And no, my sister's not a soccer player.


I've noticed that if I drink a lot of cold water at once, he'll wake up and start moving around. Don't worry if you can't feel him move for a couple of days or anything. My placenta is in the front, so I felt him move initially (it was like butterflies, like everyone says) and then stopped for a couple of weeks and I got so worried that I went to the doctor only to find out everything was fine, and then he came back with a vengeance. Now he's kicking me so hard sometimes it startles me. I love it though!


And I don't care what anyone says... having a baby move and kick inside me is just the weirdest feeling ever. Yes, I know he's in there, I know (and am thankful that) he's moving... it's still absolutely bizarre.

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I've been reading your threads from the beginning. Didn't have anything to say really. But pulling for you.


It's so exciting and wonderful to hear your updates. You sound excited and surrounded with a good support system now. Truly, it makes me want to cry happy tears. I get a little choked up reading your posts. I admire you.



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