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GF says im TOO SHY...

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in my opinion, i don't think you're "too shy." If you were "too shy" i don't think you'd be going out with this girl...I know what "too shy" is...too shy is a guy that likes a girl but doesn't even try to ask her out ...


yeah that would be TOO SHY, lol...I asked her out when there was a fire at our school and I figured why not I like her might as well take the chance...so I did and she said yes she told me a week or two ago she wasnt sure when she said yes, but she's glad she took the chance and said yes so yeah it made me happy

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sounds good to me im just a lil scared coz yeah im afraid i'll offend her or something...


Haha, too late. I'd be really offended and embarrassed if a guy did that to me.


Just relax and take it to the next level with her, you know she wants to.

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I suspect she was a little upset about the direction in which you pulled her shirt.


I completely agree. Perhaps she's is not so concerned about how shy you are in social situations, rather how shy you are in intimate situations. I think she is in a round about way telling you to take some action and be a little more aggresive, or asertive when it comes to initiating intimacy.

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I've been in a similar situation. What she probably wants you to do is go for her like you can't help it... like your desire for her body is just taking over you... lol...it's true! You don't have to try to be respectful all the time... sometimes you can just go with your passionate instinct... if your girl is in "the mood," it makes her feel really attractive if you decide to let your feelings show.

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Hi bro,


I was so friggin shy growing up. I just had nothing to say to people and it seemed a lot of girls liked me. I have adapted and can hang with very professional people. I am very extroverted and friendly, but also inside I am the same shy guy. There is nothing wrong with being shy. I am guessing you are a popular guy that is shy and that is how I was. Let me tell you that it does go away to a degree. I am always talking to people in my company and smiling, but that is just something that I learned. I am pretty flirty and smile a lot, but at the same time not into it much. You will be fine. If your gf gives you are hard time, tell her you are sorry and will try to give more. If what you give is not enough, then tell her. You can't be what you are not. I will never publicly present a product in front of 50 people. I might be able to do it, but it would kill me. I say that you get a bit confident and put your woman in her place. I am guessing she will respect that. Just say that you have no problem doing what she wants, but you prefer to do your thing. Ask her, if she wants you thing? If you can deliver. If not, then we can talk bro. Good luck.

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I completely agree. Perhaps she's is not so concerned about how shy you are in social situations, rather how shy you are in intimate situations. I think she is in a round about way telling you to take some action and be a little more aggresive, or asertive when it comes to initiating intimacy.



Yeah it may be the sexual situations, I'll have to ask her about it...or not im not sure what to do at this point...

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I've been in a similar situation. What she probably wants you to do is go for her like you can't help it... like your desire for her body is just taking over you... lol...it's true! You don't have to try to be respectful all the time... sometimes you can just go with your passionate instinct... if your girl is in "the mood," it makes her feel really attractive if you decide to let your feelings show.


okay, so basically let her know how I feel with "body language"???

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Yeah it may be the sexual situations, I'll have to ask her about it...or not im not sure what to do at this point...


I wouldnt ask at this point I would just show her. You can assume from how you are in social situations and teh fact that she said this in an intimate setting that she is referring to your lack of excitement towards her. Show a bit of confidence and go for it. You'll soon know your answer.

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I certainly agree with Diggity.


First off, Go for everything (don't go further if she says no)




Because, YOu want things, same as she does.


However, You're supposed to go for them, its uncooth for women to go for it (some believe, I say its an excuse to not do anything)


Anyway, The first time you offend a girl, and nothing happens. Ya, you'll be done with it.


Oh, just wait until they start testing you on it.


They'll act offended, and you'll go comfort them etc. Then they'll get better. Guess what, at that point you failed the test, and you'll get dumped sooner rather then later.


Oh, welcome to the world of dating. May God have mercy on your soul.




but oh is it so worth it

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Oh, just wait until they start testing you on it.


They'll act offended, and you'll go comfort them etc. Then they'll get better. Guess what, at that point you failed the test, and you'll get dumped sooner rather then later.


How is the best way to handle a situation like this?

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How is the best way to handle a situation like this?


No real way, except to really look at what happened, determine it quickly, and take action and hope you determined it right.


(cause they could be really offended)


I mean there are a few different ways I'll have to think about it/remember heh.


It's a test that happens a lot.

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hahaha, your all going to hate me but I have to take the "mom" approach here. You are 17 and still a virgin, I commend you. If you are not ready to lose it yet don't let anyone pressure you into it. Keep for as long as you feel you want too.


Are you sure this is what was going through her mind when she said you were shy?? Do you know she is ready to give up her virginity? Do you have protection? I know you have talked about you being a good father but at 17 that would be a big challenge.


It may or may not have been what she was meaning and at '10 weeks' that isn't a lot of time to know everything you may want to know about her. You have plenty of time to bring sex into this relationship, no hurry. ha ha, good luck!

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Nobody said he should try and have sex with her, just to become more intimate. Not be afraid to kiss her more passionately or touch her.


And her saying he would be a good father does seem odd to me. You guys are WAY too young, and it's so naive to talk about having a future together because it's so unlikely. Don't worry about the whole "you have to be assertive because that's what women look for in a father for their children."


You have another 10 years before that factors in on your love life.

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hahaha, your all going to hate me but I have to take the "mom" approach here. You are 17 and still a virgin, I commend you. If you are not ready to lose it yet don't let anyone pressure you into it. Keep for as long as you feel you want too.


But only do it for the right reasons. It is 100% normal to want to have sex, but most guys-actually EVERY guy-I know that says they want to wait until marriage (or whatever) say that because they want to impress women and show them how nice they are. This is 100% the WRONG reason to wait. If you are interested in sex, it is very normal to do it, and most women will want it and expect it before marriage. Only hold off if you REALLY have no desire to hold off.


In this society with the whole women's lib movement, men are (in a way) taught to be ashamed of their sexual nature. Do not be. It is 100% normal and is usually expected after a certain point.


Your girlfriend of 10 weeks certainly sent out some signals that hinted that she is at least ready to fool around. There is nothing wrong with (without asking) making a move on her. If she says no, then stop, but the next fooling around or cuddling session, try again. She'll expect you to, but never keep trying to fool around in a session of cuddling if she says no. Don't try again until the next session or at least 1 more day.

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And her saying he would be a good father does seem odd to me. You guys are WAY too young, and it's so naive to talk about having a future together because it's so unlikely.


My parents were married at 18 and they're still together and happy, they're almost 50 now.


Just because it's too young for you it doesn't mean it's too young for everyone.

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And yes, being too shy can be a deal breaker for a lot of people.


If you care about that person, you'll help them with it instead of criticizing them. She ain't worth your time if she can't accept you for who you are. Nothing wrong with being shy, way better than being a self-observant superficial person who's always full of themselves.



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If you care about that person, you'll help them with it instead of criticizing them. She ain't worth your time if she can't accept you for who you are. Nothing wrong with being shy, way better than being a self-observant superficial person who's always full of themselves.



I tend to truly believe that. I mean Love has no criticisms.


At least when I was in love, well I am a fool too.


(You know, its a play on the old words Only fools fall in love! hahaha)


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Yeah it may be the sexual situations, I'll have to ask her about it...or not im not sure what to do at this point...



You don't ask her, you lead her to. If she does not want it, she'll let you know, but trust me, asking her can be a dealbreaker, leading her to, showing her that you like her, making her feel sexy and desired won't. Worse case, she'll be flattered, best case, you'll get some.

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My parents were married at 18 and they're still together and happy, they're almost 50 now.


Just because it's too young for you it doesn't mean it's too young for everyone.



They are almost 50, I'll assume they are 48. Sooo, that was 30 years ago, probably late 70s. You have the slightest idea of how different things were 30 years ago?


30 Years ago, my dad was a little bit older than I am right now, he had a brand new car, a house, a department and two years later he would buy a ranch, two years later, the house they still live in.

30 years later, his son is his age, and having a degree can't afford a new car.


As simple as how screwed the economy is, to how different life expectations are for people in this time/age makes a world of difference.

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