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Both Worried over nothing!?

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Ok so my girlfriend and I have been going out for close to 6 months now, we have had no fights, we get on great around eachother, but recently weve been like worring over absolutely nothing when we are away from eachother. We both trust eachtoher, and talk to eachother about why we worry and just end up saying we dont know and we think its stupid or it could be that weve realized how much we like eachother and find it pretty scary. Is this natural? How do we over come this? We are both usually really laid back relaxed people.

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Yeah, we def need more info on what exactly that you guys are worrying about. If you both trust each other but are worried that the other person might cheat or find somebody else more attractive, I think it's more of a security or self-confidence issue rather than trust issue. I trust my bf 100% that he would never do anything to hurt me, but sometimes I still get worried when he goes out with his guy friends . . . I would think, what if he finds another girl that's prettier than me? skinnier than me? or smarter than me?

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We are still having these little worry spells, its get really annoying now, we are both as bad as eachother. We are starting to find stupid things to worry bout, and once we resolve it we laugh, but it keeps coming up. What could it be? how is one able to get over low selfesteem/ confidence?

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from the sound of it, neither of you is going anywhere soon. maybe you should just agree to let these things happen and not worry about them at all.


your situation is not so bad, as i'm sure you know. i wish i had someone close to me when i feel insecure... *sniff*

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We are still having these little worry spells, its get really annoying now, we are both as bad as eachother. We are starting to find stupid things to worry bout, and once we resolve it we laugh, but it keeps coming up. What could it be? how is one able to get over low selfesteem/ confidence?


Hold each other


Lock eyes


Take turns talking about insecurities and worries - calmly, openly, truthfully without holding back. One person speaks 2 - 5 minutes and the other _listens_.


You will become more confident also about each other.

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