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Liking chilling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ever notice the more strict a parent gets, the worst it gets, at some point you even have to lie about where you're doing. Now there's this new rule, sounds so childish ever since I came home last week at almost 3 a.m. The rules: That whenever I hang out, I gotta tell dad, when he'll ask the obvious questions, "Where"?, At what time I'm doing?, What time I'm coming home?"


My friend even thought dad has actually hit me or something, cuz of the way he sounded on the cell phone. She does one day along with me and the other friends wanna go on a night club (ya know those places to chill and drink a little). Seriously I can be both having fun, chilling and studying. If a relation even form, I would be prepare, I would be able to able that and able. Then again, not with him around, treating me sorta like in a traditional way, which I hate.


What bothers me the most is he would chill when he was my age, even went to another country at 14 with friends. Yes his father also wanted him to study (gave him the option to, had the money to pay for his eductaion), and well he didn't, drop out of college and chose to go to parties, chill, and meet girls.


Now he and mom are paying for my classes and books. Yes I know it's important studying, I'm in 2nd year going to third year, but chilling is also fun. It must be cool doing to one night club or disco and staying there till like 3 a.m. 4 a.m.. He must be thinking I'm gonna make the same mistake he did, I won't, I know what I'm doing. Or is it mostly cuz I'm a girl?? Sure doesn't seem to trust me that much. Seriously I'm I the only adult with that type of rules. Was told the only way out was for me to leave, which I'm planning to sometime this year.

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Chilling... Oh I wish I could do that. Just chill with my friend.


Anyway, I think it's a little bit of both. You're a girl AND he might think you're going down the same path he did. I mean, what parent wouldn't worry about their girl? And I understand why you hate rules.. I hate rules too... In fact, I think I had more freedom in school than here at home... Pretty boring, I know.

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Well personally, I can do whatever I like, but that's mainly only because my parents have given up on me! (I say "given up", I suppose it's more a case of "realised that they can do jack-all to control me".)


It must be extremely annoying. But they certainly care about you. I'm willing to bet that if you appear to be totally fine with these rules and study (in an obvious way) very hard, then they will back off as they realise that you are capable of balancing out studying and having fun.


Although I do think it is ridiculous at the age of 19 you having to tell them exactly where you are going. But, on reflection (not much help I know), I suppose that if your mom or dad goes out they give you a rough idea of where they have gone, right? So it's a two way street..


And you can always fib now and then about where you are. You're human.

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AntiLove, it's about mainly my dad. If it was for my mother, I be having all the freedom I want to, she's liberal at that. In mother's case, for her I can have fun whenever I feel like it, not with dad on the whole, oh no. LOL, if they go out, they just go out, I hardly ever ask.

Yes, I did lie on two occasions about going to a guy's house. Come on, it's not like I'm gonna have random sex, just watching a good movie.

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As long as you live with your parents- you will have to deal with their rules.


I had very strict parents and the key for me to have any kind of social life was to sleep over a friend's house if we planned on going out that night. That way, I could come home when I wanted.



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It must be rather annoying - I'm about your age but I've been away at school for a few years so it's not been an issue.


Whatever you do though, don't lie to them. Trust takes a long while to build and about one second to destroy. What I mean is if they find out you are lying to them, it will be very hard for them to trust you again. So not worth it!

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Yea that's true sophie, trust does take a long time to gain it and easy to lose it. Boy do I wish I win the lottery today, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

However, it doesn't mean I have to tell them everything single thing I'm doing (detail by detail), that's a difference b/w being honest and overly saying irrelevant details. Ex: I'm off course not gonna tell them, esp. dad that last week we went to this porn store for a while and saw videos of masturbation there and items, even porn magazine, gotta admit, the magazines were coollllllll

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As long as you live with your parents- you will have to deal with their rules.




I was going to say this also.


You have to respect your parents rules if you are living under their roof and they are supporting you.

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