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confused :S guy's opinion's appreciated :)

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Ola...well i'm kinda confused, this is about a totally different guy...Either he likes me or he thinks i'm weird. The very first time that i saw him i was sittin beside my friend talkin to her and just looking around and then i saw him looking at me and talkin to his friend about me (i could totally tell they were talkin about me cuz this guy said sumthing to his friend and then they both looked at me) and he had a smirk on his face ...and then i one day, i got moved by the supervisor (this was at work by the way) and she told me to go and sit at the seat beside him so i did and then i could just see him lookin at me from the corner of my eye and the next day i was standing at the front with my friend and i overheard him talking to his friends about how i was all the way on the other side of the room and then came and sat next to him i dunno if he was saying it in a "omg i think she likes me...she's so weird, why did she move like that?" kinda way...or in a "omg she sat beside me, how exciting!" kinda way lol ... i'm confused cuz this guy is kinda creeping me out, i need to know the truth ...anyway, today he was at work and him and his friends looked at me a couple of times and when his friends were without him they kept looking at me and when i passed him a couple of times he was just staring at me ...what's his deal???? does he think i'm a nutcase or a total hottie?! help!

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lol but i kinda have really strong feelings for sumone else...this guy that i never see anymore and i realllllly like this guy still...and i dunno if i like the guy that gives me weird looks...i'm 18 and he cud be 16 for all i know...nothing can happen,...can it? ...do u all think i wud be a pervert if i went out wid a 16 yr old?? lol

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lol but i kinda have really strong feelings for sumone else...this guy that i never see anymore and i realllllly like this guy still...and i dunno if i like the guy that gives me weird looks...i'm 18 and he cud be 16 for all i know...nothing can happen,...can it? ...do u all think i wud be a pervert if i went out wid a 16 yr old?? lol

You may wanna not persue that one.


Dopexile you're from Stl too?



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If he keeps looking at you plus his friends keep looking at you, I say the reason is because they are trying to look for signs that you like him. If they simply thought you were weird, they wouldn't look at you all the time. They must think you are cute, Next time you walk by him and he turns around to stare at you, then simply say, "Hi".

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lol but i'm not sure i like this guy ...i don't wanna give him the wrong idea by saying hi, i barely know him and i don't wanna fall for a 16 year old! i should find a way of asking his age first and if he's 17 or up i'll go from there lol i kinda talked to him before but it was embarrassing both times...the first time i was forced to go sit next to him, we're operators by the way, and my phone went wacko and it started beeping lol then i turned to him cuz he was looking at me and i'm like "haha oops sorry..." and he didn't say anything ...and the second time was when i was gonna sit somewhere and he goes and takes my spot, then i stood behind him and he said "oh, are you sitting here? i'm sorry..." and this time I didn't say anything but ya...lol i need to find a way to have a decent conversation with him somehow haha...i guess it's the only way of knowing anything

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