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A question for the dames on here.

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Well for a start, I'm bisexual with more of a leaning towards girls in general!


Ross, you cannot split males into three categories like that, it just isn't a valid question...people are much more diverse.


And, different women will be attracted to different guys with varying mixtures of qualities. My own boyfriend is certainly a polite, nice person, but he can be slightly rebellious and "bad"...and on occasion, extremely sweet. I wouldnt say hes a normal guy (what the heck is normal anyway), or especially "sweet", but he's far too considerate to be considered bad really..I know I've rambled, I've tried to get the point accross though.

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Well for a start, I'm bisexual with more of a leaning towards girls in general!


Ross, you cannot split males into three categories like that, it just isn't a valid question...people are much more diverse.


And, different women will be attracted to different guys with varying mixtures of qualities. My own boyfriend is certainly a polite, nice person, but he can be slightly rebellious and "bad"...and on occasion, extremely sweet. I wouldnt say hes a normal guy (what the heck is normal anyway), or especially "sweet", but he's far too considerate to be considered bad really..I know I've rambled, I've tried to get the point accross though.


I'm talkng stereotypicaly though. For example my preference in women are ones who're sweet genuine and nice.

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I want a man who is confident and assertive without being arrogant or controlling. If he is also nice/sweet that is great but I do not find doormats "nice" - I actually find them insincere and often angry people (i.e. they get to feel resentful that they give so much to others and somehow are taken advantage of). I am attracted to 'bad boys" but it is fleeting and without substance.

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Think of it this way - of course there are people who are attracted to doormats - they have a need to be controlling - to have things their way at all times - and the trade off - a passive partner - is worth it to them. The problem is that doormats can gain confidence and then the balance of power will be disrupted.


For me, I can't even be close platonic friends with a doormat, much less a romantic partner.

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