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Huge relapse after 4 months. Is this normal?

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Hey guys...hope everyone's doing alright. For those of you who don't know my story, basically my ex broke up with me a little over 4 months ago, and its been basically no contact since. i hear around the block that she might be seeing someone new. for some reason when i heard that a few weeks ago, it really helped me to push over some sort of wall and helped me recover some. so for the past couple of weeks i was feeling pretty good about things, and felt good about my road to recovery. then for no good reason, this past week since sunday, i felt like i had been flung into month 1 of the breakup. it hurt like it had just happened and i actually had to go into a private room at work to weep, something i had not done in a very long while.


have anyone of you experienced anything like this? a huge setback all of a sudden? i feel a little better today, but this past week is something that i hope i never have again. i really felt desperate. what was that? is that some sort of relapse? is that natural?

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I think its normal to have these emotional set-backs. I'm only on my 5th wk of healing, but I know how you're feeling. We go through different stages through out the healing process: one minute crying thinking its hopeless, the next telling yourself you're gonna be ok, then back to crying again...its an emotional roller coaster.

Try to keep positive, take it a day at a time. This too will pass.

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I'm not as far along in my breakup as you, but I had a big relapse this past weekend. My children keep me busy during the day, but it's hard when I'm trying to fall asleep at night. Luckily I can think about my children and get over the heart-pounding worst of it. I seemed to get over the relapse fairly quickly, but I wouldn't be surprised if it happened to me again.


Relapses are unpleasant, but I don't they are abnormal. We can just hope they get easier to deal with and that they will eventually stop happening.

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Dont worry, its been 8 months, 2.5 months of NC and the first 2 days of this week were horrible for some reason. I think its b/c there are times when it hits you that she is really gone and you are not fully healed so it hurts. But you will notice that it doesnt take as long for you to recover from it.

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i was having relapses weekly for seven months unitl i found out she moved in with her new man .. i found this out about two weeks ago...now i am thankful i found out this info cause i am repoulsed by her...so yes i relapsed for almost seven months...every time i thought i wss getting better i would trick myself with hope...youll get better

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It's Completely normal. I've been going through a major relapse myself the last 2 weeks. It sucks like hell, but I just gotta work it out. I miss my ex like crazy and even contemplate getting back with her even though she didn't treat me the best. And she dumped me in a pretty bad way. It's been 3 months since I've seen her and two months since I've talked to her. But I think of her every single day. Some days are easier than others.


Good luck. Just try to work on yourself as much as possible. That's all I've got left to keep me looking towards the future...It will get better.

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