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Things to do to pass the time away??

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Ok, there are a lot of us on here who are going through hard times, break ups, lonliness, that kind of thing. Me I'm lonely. I'm in the no contact phase of my relationship (no we haven't broken up yet, I know it doesn't make any sense). Anyways. I'm bored. I've been laying on my couch for the past two hours staring at the ceiling. I'm not upset. I'm not sad. I'm just LONELY. And BORED. Theres nothing I can do. Nothing I want to do.


Anyways. thats when I had the bright idea I'm gonna go out for a walk.


So, Question for you all... what are some thigns that you do when you are bored or lonely that are great for passing the time away? I'm sure it'll help us all out. Thanks.

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I get on my bike and hit the trails, or put on my runners and go for a great run.


I pull out my art, and start drawing..or start reading that book that I have been wanting to get around to.


Hit the gym or grab my yoga mat.


Call my siblings, or my mum and catch up with them.


Go out for sushi and martini's with a friend.


Throw on some music and dance terribly.


Find a new cookie recipe and start the oven.


And everything in between.

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lol. RayKay, you remind me of an old friend of mine very much. Which made me remember...

The two of us deciding to try making pies for our friends. Some came out beautifully, some were a mess, but it was a lot of fun.


I like to:


Go to the pool (or even better the beach) and do laps til I'm exhausted.


Go to the park with a friend, walk the dogs, take a little person and play on the swingset.


Invite fam/friends over and cook a big meal, or have a pot luck. Good wine too.


Go dancing!! At the club or picking up a class in a new style.


Sing, make up a song, hang out at a jam session or concert, write poetry, paint, even crafts and knitting I like.


Pick a new place you've wanted to go to and plan a mini-vacation for an hour or a day. Take a tourist view of your own city.


Get or trade massages, go to the spa or have a spa night, go girly with a friend and chill chat.


Read, study, work.


Do a nice thing for someone else. Get excited like a little kid who has just discovered the joys of giving presents, not merely receiving. Remember that?


Get dirty. Digging in the dirt and growing something.

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Thats awesome guys... thanks for your replies. Its interesting to see how people do different things. I just wanted to report that i went out for a 2 hour walk and it felt awesome. Now I'm home staring at the ceiling again. On top of that, no one is answering their damn phones. I feel lonely. But I'll find things to do. I think I'm gonna go to the grocery store and pick up a bunch of stuff and just start coooking like crazy. Oh. and while i was gone, the boyfriend called. I called him back, I told him i was bored, he said I should bake him a cake, I said "why should I if you never come over here to eat it?" * * * * * * *. Then I hung up on him.

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