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Video games addiction

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Im not sure if this is the right forum to talk about this, but I guess I'm looking for some support.


I'm a studying engineering student who spent 6 months before starting my course, playing World of Warcraft, an massive multiplayer online game. I sold the game, and characters before starting my course, to help me focus on study. However I feel like an addict with withdrawal symptoms.


I visit the games forums and keep up to date with information about the game. Occasionally discuss the game with a friend of mine. Now I'm starting to think about playing it a lot. I imagine playing the game, mentally planning my game progression.


The need to play video games may be triggered at times of stress. I've got exams approaching and assignments due.


To calm my mental obsession, I've told myself that my holidays are approaching and I can rebuy the game and play it then. However I'm worried about what I feel is unnatural behaviour. I'm positive I'm a video game addict. I don't play, games that often these days, but I've become obsessed with playing World of Warcraft again.

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My ex is also addicted to the game. When we first got together ( a year and a half ago) he tuned it down a bit, but lately with his grades going down and some other personal self confidence issues he has returned to the game with a passion. I feel that part of his breaking up with me was also because he wanted to spend more time playing the game. Since we broke up two months ago, I know for a fact he spends ALL DAY in his room, never goes out, never sees people... spending the majority of his time on that damn game (playing raids that last pretty much the whole day) and when hes not hes just "fooling around" with smaller things or reading the forums.


I think its down right unhealthy to be so obsessed with a game. I dont know how you would go about trying to work yourself out of it, but ive heard from many people in relationships that the game has definitely come between them. I love my ex, and I wish he saw how destructive his behavior is... and you should be happy at least you are and you're trying to get out of it.

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btw... if i came off harsh , what I was TRYING to say is yes, it does sound like you are overly involved in the game. It tends to happen to a lot of people (or so ive heard from people who play) and I think its wonderful that u realize its really starting to adversely affect ure life. Again, im not sure how to deal with it, but I think its a great start to at least realize that its a problem. Maybe try new hobbies? Get out more, meet more people and distract yourself that way? I wish you the best in figuring it out!

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What else do you do to de-stress and calm yourself?


I would treat it just like any other addiction. I smoke, so I know that addictive pull.


It's great that you have identified it as a problem worth your attention. Perhaps other people who have had this problem will come along.

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Just don't go extreme on it. I play a game, I have tons on this laptop, on the weekends, maybe just on a Sunday daytime, when I'm recovering from hangover.


To fight this addiction, try hanging out with friends, or play multiplayer games with your friends.

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Well, you need to do other things with the time you used to play WoW.


I also play online games, mostly EVE Online, and I'm fairly active in the game and a part of the leadership of our organisation, but given my other responsibilities and interests in real life, mostly it's an hour or two in the evenings and maybe more (sometimes less) on the weekends. It's a fun hobby, no doubt, but you have to have a more diverse array of interests and involvements, otherwise you will tend to get sucked into the game in an unhealthy way.


So instead of cruising the WoW forums and so forth, pick up other hobbies or interests. Reading or something else you like to do. Get out of the house and hang out with friends in real life. Go to the movies, etc. Take a real break from online gaming (a month or two) and then maybe you can come back and play in a more healthy way.


It's good that you've recognised you were going overboard. I think you know what you have to do to get over that feeling of being "pulled back", and you can do that, especially now that summer is coming.

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Yeah, I've been playing WoW pretty intensly on and off since the Beta version. I know how horribly addicting it is too, there's just something about it that makes you want to get to the next level or find that rare Scholomance drop. The only reason I've found myself stopping after a while was because I never had an account of my own, someone I know decided to share their account with me based on the fact they only used it on the weekend. Of course after they while they decided to stop playing and since I can't afford an account I had to stop playing too.


I just realised I don't actually have a point here. I'm just going to say you're not alone in the slightest with your WoW addicton. People have left their families to continue playing this game, I'm quite serious about that, there's articles about it.

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Can't really tell you anything new as most of the people above me have some good points. [this reply is useless]


The brother of my exgf also plays WoW. Though he has been in a healthy relationship with a girl for like 3 years or something. He does great in school & sports, but never really goes out with friends. He really spents like..uhm.. 6-10 hours a day on this game.

This seems like a huge waste of time to Me, but for him it's like a hobby..

Can't really tell if he's an addict or not.


He seemed quite happy when I saw him at my ex's house. But who knows maybe he will get some insecurities about this because of peer pressure or something. Don't really know him too good for that..


Damn I'm realising I'm getting addicted to this site as I'm spending like 2 hours a day on reading threads and trying to relate to my situation & posting advice to others. Should I stop doing this? I can't really say I feel down about it, so I shouldn't stop right? I'm just going to stop talking now.


Take care & Do something about your addiction. It seems to be very unhealthy dreaming about a game like this and letting it interfere with your studies! You know it!

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LOL, not laughing at you, but laughing at the fact that yesterday I told my friend that he's becoming addicted... to World of Warcraft. He has a few friends from work that play the game. One time he rushed home and didn't take off his clothes or eat dinner, just to finish this master quest he was going on with 12 other people.


Trust me, that game is so addicting it should be illegal. But it's made for having FUN. As long as it doesn't get in the way of your life and your studies, go on and have fun.

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