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I have posted alot on here about my problems with my bf. He is a great guy and loves me to death, but he was so irratable sometimes I didn't know what to do or where to turn. I posted on here topics like "Tired of getting treated like crap". During the day, my bf used to be SOOOOO angry and I would be walking on eggshells. Then at night/evening he would be super mellow and sweet. I was really worried that it was because he couldnt smoke as much pot during the day, so he would be cranky until he was ripped!


Well 3 weeks ago he quit his job. He coordinated and directed all the major concerts in our city. I knew he hated his job and his boss treated him like crap and underpaid him. But he liked going to work in a suit and feeling important so he kept the job for a long time.


Anyways, he quit so that he could work in construction, getting paid essentially more money, for less mental stress and responsibility. I was extatic that he quit. He loves his new job and doesnt bring it home with him. If he ever slips up and says something snappy, he immediately catches himself and apologizes.


Bottom line, it wasn't the pot. And it wasn't really him. The job is over, and the past 3 weeks have been amazing. In fact, he smokes LESS now because he is less stressed. I just wanted to share that we are doing alot better


I can't believe the difference!

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Hey girlie!!


I am so glad to read things are looking up for you both. I know you and your BF have weathered quite a few storms along the way. I am glad to read that he feels better and he is happier now. Thank you for the update!


Hang in there chica.

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