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Ahhh crazy about a teacher!

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So, i have this teacher at school that i just have a ridiclously enormous crush on and it's really starting to almost get annoying. He's just sooo cool, he's slightly arrogant, amazingly sexy, and what annoys the crap out of me is that he flirts with us all! He's just a natural flirt you can tell he was when he was younger as well...


Now i know i'm 16 and i have crazy hormones rushing through my body, but it really doesn't help that he's so flirtatious and just AMAZINGLY sexy...oh my, lol. I'm just wondering if there's anyway to at least not feel as crazy about him as i do, this has been going on for about 6-7 months now and i honestly don't see it subsiding.


He's just so annoying with his prolonged glances or our private jokes i honestly just want to jump on him!! He has a way of really making you feel special. Now i know nothing can happen of course, he's married and a teacher and of course nothing will happen but how do i try and get over him when he flirts like crazy, there are just moments of eye contact where it's like oh god take me now, lol, i'm going to stop now, lol but is there anyway of making this cool off?

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Ugh. Well, you can try looking at the situation objectively for a minute.


If he truly is flirting with you, that is wildly inappropriate. Gross even (to me). I don't know if he is: maybe your imagination is running away with you? It's very,very common to have crushes on teachers. He should not be feeding it though: he should be making clear that he is not interested AT ALL.


In grade 10, my class had this english teacher. He was 25, and exactly like you described your teacher. He DID flirt with us girls. He fed his big fat ego off it. About half the girls in my class were ga-ga for him. I found him repulsive, even though he was a good looking guy and smart,too.

That's just me though: my crush was my art teacher. He was much older and not flirty at all. But, he was brilliant and really pushed me to my potential. I tried to flirt with him, and was met with very harsh lines It was much more a mentor-student type crush. He used my crush to push my talent; and it worked.


lol. I guess I don't know what you can do. Find a new crush?? Sign up for a new class if it is sooo bad!

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I used to be EXACTLY the same about a couple teachers in high school, and one of them was a total flirt and he knew we all thought he was hot! basically all you can do, is try to think relaistically that nothing can happen and try to focus your attention on a guy your age. other than that I' dunno!!! it was really hard for me too!! Good luck!!

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