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I am so tired

I am so overwhelmed

I am so incredibly fed up

I don't want this

I can't handle this

Please let me go

Its not about love

I need to think for myself

I have to stop worrying about you

I need to stop making decisions based on you

Since when did I lose control of my own life??

Why is this so hard?

Why can't I just make this go away

Please leave me alone, please let me be

When will this be over?

I can't go through this again

I can't live based on whether I'm making YOU happy, I need to make ME happy first.


My head is spinning, my vision is blurring, the tears are burning my eyes.

My chest feels heavy, my breath is labored, anxiety fills my body.

Why must I worry about your well being so much? Why does your being happy satisfy me? Why can't I be happy making decisions for myself? Why must I feel guilty for doing what is best for me just because it hurts you??


When will you understand?

When will you stop blaming me?

Please stop this obsession

Please stop this selfishness

I can't take it anymore

I can't go through this again


I want the craziness to stop

I want you to be rational

I can't be the only strong one

I want this all to go away

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A good way to concentrate on what YOU want, is to do things that you enjoy. Do you have any hobbies or interests you like? These would definitely help. Your happiness is the main reason for finding what you truly want and concentrate on that. You will get rid of this obession, but remember, it will take time to heal your wounds. But once your past the pain, than things will become better.

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