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Girlfriend of 6 years broke up with me...

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Hey, I'm new to this board and i've got to say it has helped me cope with this breakup. I just wanted to know what would be the best thing that I should do right now. Well, heres the story, I've been dating my girlfriend of 6 years ever since high school and we are currently attending the same university. I really did not know that there was something wrong with our relationship, until she told me that she felt we did not really appear to be a real couple. I admit that maybe I didn't treat her as well as I should have, and regret not treating her better. Well after she told me, we were deciding whether breaking up was the best thing to do, and fortunately we decided to give it another shot. Well the next day I could sense that her attitude towards me was very cold, she rarely talked to me and when she did, it was like I was a complete stranger to her. So I talked to her about this and she said that she felt like she didn't really love me anymore but she still liked me but that wasn't a good reason to stay together. We both agreed that maybe it would be best to break up as she saw no future with me. She also said that she just wanted to live the life of a single girl, doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants. I guess the breakup was on good terms. However, i'm not too sure I can really do the NC thing cos we both have the same group of friends and always see each other around school. I still love her dearly and am hoping that we can somehow get back together. What do you think is the best thing for me to do for the time being? Just move on or wait for her? Any comments would be greatly appreciated.

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Man thats a tough situation..........6 years is a long time to be with someone........but she's getting to that age, where she feels she needs to be independent.........you have to let her be......... it doesn't mean she wants to go out and meet other men.....(if she does that defeats the whole purpose of her wanting to find herself) and that just means she wasn't right for you..... if you maintain contact with her, even if its low contact you will get hot and cold vibes from her. One minute she'll want to be with you and the next she'll be a total stranger like you mentioned..... What you have to do is let her go for the time being? Its so tough but you have to.....shes the one thats considering this so give this to her........When you see her, you have to be able to handle her presense and just be polite and nice around her, that doesnt mean you can't go home and let your feelings out behind closed doors or in the shower, just don't show it in front of her..............


Don't talk about the relationship with her just yet, when and if she decides she wants too, she will. Also, I suggest talking to people about it too but do not use the same circle of friends you guys have, you do not want it getting back to your ex..... Just take it one day at a time, think about the mistakes you made in the relationship first and foremost and ways you can improve on that....stay busy and focus on yourself for the time being..... Shes focusing on her needs as well u should too. It aint easy bro, I've been there and going thru the same crap. You'll get urges to call them and tell them how much you love them, it doesn't do any good, I'm sure she knows you do, right now shes questioning hers........just be patient and step back and reevaluate you're feelings.

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