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I always seem to set myself up for hurt!

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Well, the people who gave me advice last night about unblocking my ex were totally right!

We didn't speak or anything, but his MSN name was suggesting he's looking for someone else to "have fun with".


At first, i just thought, ignore him, but then i found myself staring at his MSN name and thinking - what a bastard lol.

I even cried, stupid i know. I was lying in bed and my ex ex was texting me but i was just thinking, wow i miss my baby and was thinking about all of the goods times. I know i'm young and that i'll have much more heart break, but this really does still hurt


It's been nearly 2 months since he finished with me. Well, 2 months on the 2nd of May. Our 5 month anniversary would be on the 26th of April and i will see him at school on that day.


I hide my feelings pretty well with my family and friends. Only 2 of my friends know how much i miss him. Everyone else thinks i'm over him. That's why i am on here writing about it, as i feel i have no-one else to talk to. Hmmmm....should i be over him?


I mean, he treat me well, we did have disagreements but we got over them, we were in love (at least i was and he said he was) and then he goes and treats me like this......guys you suck lol.


I guess i'm going to remember him forever...he was my first everything...i just want him to remember me forever too....guys who finish with their gfs...do you always remember them?


Just a rather long venting session there.

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well unblocking was not a good idea......let him be where he is.


You don't need to know, it either hurts you or sets you back emotionally.


all guys are not the same, some of us are really good but end up with someone who don't treat them well.


My ex, she is my first, even if we say we will we can't, we were emotionally so close its just not possible to forget them. She is now back with her ex, her 1st bf.


Anyways, i wouldn't want to contact her now....she has a life now, which she needs to take care of and i have mine.


I just had a dream about her yesterday.....so we don't really forget them. I have not seen her this year, broke up on Jan 2nd.


Be strong and block and remove your ex from Messenger, its just not right for your progress in life. If you are thinking of being friends with him it can't happen now, just don't think about it....think about how much time we waste thinkin about our exs.


Think about u and the way u need to shape your life now....take care.

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no matter what you do. Whether you move 300million miles away, or just avoid him. you are still going to feel the same way and have the same feelings. thereforeeee id say to just keep doing what you are doing and try to get him off your mind.


Love SL.

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