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taken for granted

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why do people who love us take us for granted?

how come they discover the loss only after it's too late and much hurt has been done?


have you taken anyone for granted? if so, what do you do now to avoid it?


At times they are really taking us for granted, they don't really know themself that they love you, and don't realise it until they lose you or coming close to it... It happens to all of us at the best of times, it just depends on how much you are willing to put up with.


I don't really think there is anything you can do about it because the only person we have control over is ourselves and not others. The only thing that can be done is look out for yourself as best as you can... If that makes much sense

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have you taken anyone for granted? if so, what do you do now to avoid it?


Communication is big thing....make them understand that its not the right thing to do, if they don't realize that they are hurting you then its not your problem.


Well , in general we all do take someone for granted whether it be our parents, our sisters, brothers, kids, friends, gfs bfs....but working out in a relationship is the key. We all have our bad days......nobody is perfect man.


I usually talk it over......after all you have only one life, no point holdin onto grudges and bad feelings.

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I often wonder if I do this to people in my life. I know that the girl I'm trying to move on from completely blew me off, then wanted to "still talk". She even acts as though I'm some little aquintence like we were never close which hurts. The thing is sometimes I think we as people make certain people are joy in life. Then when they don't return the love we feel super rejected and we get burnt that way.


In the begginging I would sit around sad, just thinking and feeling the pain and hurt inside. Now it still hurts but your body seems to get over it over time, like a scratch on the surface slowly heals till its not even noticeable.


I sometimes wondered why can't I just me get over it and feel no feelings towards them like they never happened. Then I realize how lucky I am, because I'm capable of feeling that way about someone to the point where it hurt me. What kind of person would any of us be if we didn't care when someone we loved and cared about treated us bad.


It's no fun getting your heartbroken, but I think it makes it feel so much better when you find someone else and makes you a more stable person later in life when you heal from it.

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Why do people who love us take us for granted?

Love makes some people weak and others like to take advantage of that. Its a jungle out there...The strongest survive......


How come they discover the loss only after it's too late and much hurt has been done?

Damn ! I tell you... thats so true. Because once you leave your are challenge

Human nature I guess.. Scared to be lonely.... my soon to be ex-husband would kill to get me back.. I was trying to get him to give me a second chance for 6 mtnhs! and he refused three days after I left he was in tears for me to come back. A bit too late.. the emotional damage of 6 mnths of neglect and emotional abuse killed it..... The worst experience of mylife....Its sad but true Some people dont know what they have got until theyve lost it.



Have you taken anyone for granted? if so, what do you do now to avoid it?

Sometimes we dont realize the little things people do to help us. I am trying to think twice and appreciate everyday and life around me. That in turn makes me apprecite the good things ppl do.

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I took my GF for granted and she left me. We were together for 4 years and got VERY VERY comfortable with each other and there was really not much to worry about. Same shiat, new day. We did communicate alot less than before so I agree that communcation is a major factor whether you go at it like rabbits the first few months of your relationship all the way to the possible years ahead. Some guy rolled up, said things to her that I wasnt saying (stuff you pretty much SHOULD say all the time, but most of us leave it at year one). Anyways, thats my two cents on this. I realized this fact a bit too late and I encourage everyone not to make the same mistake.

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