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Honesty, even if the truth hurts...

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As an owner of a small penis, i appreciate all of the discussions on the topic here, esecially the messages that size doesn't matter, and that each woman has differnet needs/priorities. Along that theme, if your partner was "small" and asked you your honest opinion of whether it was big enough for you, would you give him the honest, but maybe hurtful, truth?

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I believe that you have to learn to be comfortable in your own skin so to speak, if you have a small penis then you have a small penis. That is the way you are. If I were you i would learn of ways so that the size of your penis didnt matter, as in new positions as well as realizing that predominantly women have orgasms from clitoral stimulation which has nothing to do with your penis.


I mean if you seek drastic measures to increase the size of your penis then you have options. Otherwise learn more about increasing your sexual prowless in the bedroom.

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As an owner of a small penis, i appreciate all of the discussions on the topic here, esecially the messages that size doesn't matter, and that each woman has differnet needs/priorities. Along that theme, if your partner was "small" and asked you your honest opinion of whether it was big enough for you, would you give him the honest, but maybe hurtful, truth?


never, ever, ever, ever......it would hurt his pride.....

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As an owner of a small penis, i appreciate all of the discussions on the topic here, esecially the messages that size doesn't matter, and that each woman has differnet needs/priorities. Along that theme, if your partner was "small" and asked you your honest opinion of whether it was big enough for you, would you give him the honest, but maybe hurtful, truth?


Trust me, your penis is the least powerfull of your sexual organs, the only department it can´t be beaten is on the ability to procreate, and that is true even for small penises, but other than that, you've got a lot more than can be a lot better for your partner.


Even if you are well endowed, if you rely on your penis to satisfy your partner... you would be a failure in bed.



And well, looking your previous posts, if you can't figure out how to use those 5.5 inches, then your penis size is not the problem. 5.5 is average and more than enough, if you actually knew what to do with it...

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As an owner of a small penis, i appreciate all of the discussions on the topic here, esecially the messages that size doesn't matter, and that each woman has differnet needs/priorities. Along that theme, if your partner was "small" and asked you your honest opinion of whether it was big enough for you, would you give him the honest, but maybe hurtful, truth?


Wouldn't an answer be totally subjective anyway...since you are asking if it was "big enough for YOU"? 3" for some women would be "big enough", whereas for another maybe 10"!


But, no, even if it was smaller then I "preferred" I would not say something like that! Obviously I care about them, and am happy with them and their "goods" so why would I intentionally hurt them that way! That would be like them telling me if my breasts were big enough or small enough, or whatever! No thanks! I am a total package, and not the sum of my parts alone.


Penis size is subjective. Sex is 90% mental, having a huge package does nothing unless you know how to use it, and realize that there is much more to pleasure then the physical motions of it. I'd rather be with someone whom recognized the latter, whatever their penis size.

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Along that theme, if your partner was "small" and asked you your honest opinion of whether it was big enough for you, would you give him the honest, but maybe hurtful, truth?


I would say "Please don't ask me questions like that. There is no way I can answer correctly! That's like if I were to ask you if I'm fat!"



If I'm with him, sleeping with him, loving him...that's all that counts. Obviously I dig him.

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If she is willing to go a second time id personally think (if i was male) obvioulsy im not that bad and she must be happy with it if she is asking for it again. And if you are 5.5inches like sussertod said, you are of average. Dont worry about it. It doesnt matter anyway. Its the size of the persons heart and how much they are willing to give you And how much you are willing to give them ... Its not how much of your penis you are going to give them. Is it?


I would never answer such a question ... I would tell them that there is more than enough there for me!

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Dude, learn to use your fingers and your tongue. Good foreplay, good manual stimulation and good oral sex are more likely to drive a woman wild than a big wang. As many have said already, it depends on the woman, and the majority do prefer clitoral stimulation.


Remember, there are more nerve endings on the clitoris that on the entire penis.

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That is such a SMALL part of the relationship to me, pun intended, that I personally would answer that question honestly.


Call me mean, but for the sake of sparing his/your feelings I would simply say, "of course it is" and give you a little kiss.


The point being that OF COURSE it would be! If I were in a realtionship with you and loved you, it WOULD be enough, even if physically it wasn't. Then together we would learn to get creative.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I once had a girlfriend-- an ex, years ago-- tell me that I was small. Don't think she meant to offend, but I didn't love it. Funny thing was, when I mentioned it to her much later, she thought it was funny, but hasn't remembered saying it.

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If a girl cares about you then she's not going to care about the size of your penis. As others have said there are other, much better ways to please a woman than with your penis anyway. I've had both large and small.........and seriously large is way scary. I was so worried that he'd hurt me I just couldn't relax.

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How do you know its small, in comparison to who? have you measured everyone elses in the world.


I have said previously that size does matter but usually if the man is particularly LARGE and then bangs against the cevix causing more pain than pleasure!!


THe most sensitive parts of the womans genetalia is the outside and the clitoris, focus on them and it wont matter how big your penis is, as long as you can get it hard and experiment with different positions you will both have a good time.


If someone turns round and says "your willy is too small!" then they are either A) a heartless * * * * * or B) not enjoying the sex and its the only thing they can think of to say.


remember sex is a two way street! its not ALL down to the man!

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