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How would you feel if....

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... you were pouring your heart out to a friend (it's actually an ex...that wants to stay friends) and he was on the computer while he was talking to you on the phone and refused to get off the computer when you asked him to. I felt disrespected (especially because when he comes to me with his problems, he always has my FULL attention), but he didn't feel it was necessary to get off the computer. I know this isn't a big deal but I was just wondering what you guys think... thanks.

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I too, do not like divided attention if I'm talking to someone about a serious issue....

Whenever that happens to me, I just tell the person to call me back when they are done with the computer. It's one of my pet peeves. My sister does that often, playing online games or typing while talking on the phone, and I do think it's disrespectful.


Don't read too much into it though- just show your disapproval in a subtle manner by saying "This seems like a bad time to talk for you, you can call me back when you're done on the computer"



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This is a pet peeve with me. I get extremely annoyed when I call someone and they keep typing away and halfheartedly answer me, or don't seem to hear what I am saying. Grrrrrrrr....that and when I call someone and they keep talking to people in the room with them. That is extremely RUDE.

When this happenes I usually say I'll let them go...because it's apparent they are busy with other things.....in other words, i give them the HINT that they are being rude.

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