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Am i totally leading him on?

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Wasn't sure what topic to put this in, so i thought i'd stick it in relationships as i guess it as a kind of relationship.


Ok, my ex ex and I are really good friends, we talk practically everyday (on MSN and texting). He lives quite far away from me (It was a longdistance relationship).


Ok, so when my ex finished with me, my ex ex was there for me, comforted me etc and the other night, he told me he still loved me and wanted me. I do like him, but i'm not sure if i like him as more than a friend. Arghh, i mean, i don't ever see him, i havent seen him since august when we first got together!!


I think i'm totally leading him on though, i do like him, but i'm still not completely over my ex. I feel like if i start something with this guy, it wouldn't be good as i am still completely in love with my ex.


The thing is though, we've said things to each other and if i tell him to leave me alone, then our friendship would be over. Plus (me being selfish) i like the attention he gives me, i like being told i'm gorgeous and that he loves me. This is sooo bad and sooo selfish! Maybe we could be together? who knos, but i think what i'm doing is unfair i don't know what to do!!!!


I know there is NO CHANCE of me and my ex getting back together, and i have my ex ex here (who is one of my best guy friends and we get on soo well) who would do anything for me and who i do still like....what should i do????

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Trust your instincts.


If you have to question it, you're not ready for it.


You're NOT being fair to him and if you care for him and how he feels at all, you should discuss this with him honestly. Tell him everything you just typed here and hope he understands.


If he doesn't understand, that's the way the cookie crumbles, but at least you can walk away knowing you did the right thing.

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Lol sorry!!


Basically, i finished with this guy and got with someone else who finished with me.

We are good friends but he still loves me and i'm not sure how i feel but i say things which may lead him on and also i still love my other ex and am not completely over him.

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Don't mess up your friendship....if you think that is what you are doing (leading him on) then you probably are. So STOP! Tell him everything....be honest.....and move on...he is a man and he can take it....if he can't tak it then he just might be a slightly weak man...but he will get over it.

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Lol, the thing that made us split is that i fancied someone else, so i finished with him and got with this other person who then finished with me 3 months later. I only got with this guy as, i did like him, and, he was here, while the other one was a longdistance relationship and i hadn't seen him for 4 months and was sick of being stuck in the house with nothing to do.


I have now realised that i do not want to go back to him. I have been leading him on and i'm going to make it clear the next time i speak to him.

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