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multiple Orgasms??

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I don't trust statistics. Like, how in the world would they gather that data? And from whom? Details, brother please!


How would a woman be incapable of orgasm? Am I nuts...physically (all emotional and pysch issues aside) how can that be? Please indulge my ignorance because it is genuine.


Also keep in mind...even if those stats were 'reliable' (they never truly are): there are craploads of women who are living in mentally/sexually/emotionally 'troubled' bodies.....


I guess I'm saying: there's always hope of orgasm. At least, it would be a pity if it were otherwise.

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Well, according to a study headed by Emanuele Jannini about 10% of women don't have a Skene's gland (the G-Spot). This is believed to be a genetic trait. You can learn more about the Skene's gland link removed.


I highly encourage everyone to read more about Emmanuele Jannini's research. I'm not saying that his study is correct, his sample could have included a larger or smaller number of women without Skene's glands than is normal for the population. Unfortunately, the Skene's gland is also responsible for clitoral orgasms aswell. So, unfortunately there are women out there that are physically incapable of having an orgasm. I wish it wasn't true and that everyone could experience the pleasure of orgasms, but unfortunately evolution has yet to catch up with all of us.

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Thanks for providing that, btvs_fan-05.


Very interesting stuff. According to what I understood (and I need to do more reading on this now! lol) , this is still theory. It's all highly speculative. But, it certainly does point out the real possibility of a woman being physically unable to orgasm! And I guess...why not, eh? The human body is remarkable for variation.


very cool. thanks btvs for sparking my interest in anatomy again

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Ah...what the heck- I may as well mention- my all time record is 12 in one evening. Usually it's about 4 on an average night though.


But it didn't always used to be that way- I didn't start having multiples until I was about 22. Something lovely happened with age and it just seems to be getting better.


It's also helps if you have a partner that really knows what you want. Without the right partner- it won't happen. I'm not actually sure if it's age per se, or if it's the amount of time I've been with my partner where you just feel more and more relaxed and in tune with one another...so it happens.


The one thing I have found with multiples, is that your satiated for a lot longer. After having a good night of O's- I would not even be able to think about sex for a few days. It really keeps you happy for a while.



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  • 2 weeks later...
After having a good night of O's- I would not even be able to think about sex for a few days. It really keeps you happy for a while.




I know! The multiples definitely started with my relationship with my husband, we just know each other's body's so well and I could not believe it when I felt that multiple, I was thinking - WOW that is a multiple!! I am usually drained after a night of great sex like that and just kind of feel like a zombie the next day, anyone have a solution to this?

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4 women. I'm the same way. My boyfriend will sometimes "torture" me and keep going. I use torture loosely, I freaking love it, and will squirm to get away but he's got his hold and loves to see me move around. (ETA: TMI?

TMI???!!! How about can you repeat that, slowly. \\


My friend said his wife goes through that too and he doesn't stop until he feels like it, because he knows she loves it.

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