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Can someone explain this to me?!

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perhaps he just wants to get to know her before he really starts to date her. I love the idea of becoming friends first before starting a relationship.


Maybe he just doesnt want a relationship right now and just wants to have fun.


Maybe he just wants the relationship to be purely physical with no emotional attatchments.

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My guy friend just told me that he got a girl's number less than a week ago, and he is thinking about calling her soon.... but he only wants to be friends with her. HUH?! Why would a guy go about getting a girl's number if he wasn't interested in dating her??



Maybe she has cute friends. Maybe he's lying and he really does like her but is too wimpy to actually make the move.

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I guess I'm from Mars.

I've had a couple of women give me their phone numbers, but I've never called them. I assumed it was just in case I wanted to chat, but I'm not a phone person. There's a chance I'd ask them out for coffee if I was in the area, but that hasn't happened.


Does this make me a jerk?

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A guy online recently asked me for my phone number or IM. I told him I don't chat online and I'm not much of a phone talker either. I told him I don't really talk on the phone unless it is to make plans. I was interested in him, but he never called me


Oh well....

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