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okay so i really like this guy but he kinda scares me because he is SUPER attractive and funny but I don't think I could trust him 100% He treats me awsome but I don't know if thats just for show. He's basically the typical bad boy but hes got a good heart. I don't want to change him but I kinda wish he would change some things. I have known him for a lil over a year and I still don't feel like I know how he is. I just got out of a 6 month relationship about 4 months ago and I just want to make sure that I'm not rushing into anything. Although it took me a while I'm over my ex and I want to get into a meaningful realtionship its just that I'm not sure if hes the one but at the same time he makes me feel like no one else and I just can't help but to be magnitized to him. I'm currently trying to get to know him but I don't want to get too attached if things get bad so0o I just wanted to know if anyone had any advice because I could really use some. thanx

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Its do or die, *raises a green flag* , its worth a shot, and if you don't expect too much of it, its worth it to go into a relationship with him. Your just not willing to admit that you are in love with him, well that time is over just fully admit it and you'll be a lot happier. You don't want to expose yourself simply because you are afraid to get hurt, but that's too late because you are head over heels with him already, i would emit my love on him if i where you and try to start a wonderfull relationship with him.

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If you can't trust him now, see he's a bad boy and has the issues that come with it, it's probably not in your best interest to pursue. But mostly, how you can't trust him 100%.

It doesn't get any better by getting to know them more-- you'll probably find it's all just more of the same of what you're seeing, just worse.


I think you already know it's not a good idea to pursue him, but it's completely up to you. I think if you did, it would be good to not expect much from it, or at least go into it with that in mind.

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Well i'll start off with go for it! Obviously theres the attraction connection already, thats whats needed to start the relationship, secondly you have your doubts about him. But thats the fun thing about relationships, everytime your playing a whole new ball game "love is like a gem, its starts off in its raw natural form, you then must polish it, charish it, and always respect it, to be blessed by it." If you have such doubts about him, make it clear that honesty, and trust IS and ALWAYS will be the first thing, boundaries must be set and respected. If it works out, All the best to ya! If it doesn't, I'm sorry for ya, but at least you knw he ain't "the one". And usually, most of the time, the bad boy persona is the personality he gives off around friends..if such is true, then you don't needa worry about him being a "bad boi" unless hes around his friends, even so though, theres still the boundaries, every relationship has them, its just a matter of respecting them and following them.

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lay off for awhile, especially since you've just come out of a serious relationship....you do not want to take the chance of another hearbreak especially since this guy aparently can't be trusted 100% (a big issue when it comes to successful relationships).


Also, make sure for yourself that this is truly an emotional attraction and not just an infatuation (seriously look up that word and ask yourself if you are feeling anything like that)...Just my thought, because I know friends who have experiences these infatuations and a week/month later they're on to another person...

Just be sure your not getting into this relationship because deep down you just want to be in A relationship...


sorry if that last part sounded harsh, but you have to be honest or else you could face more heartbreak later on

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DANGER. If you already see the red flags, back up, and stay away!


Reason I say this is because I was once attracted to a few ex's who were bad boys. Once when I was a very young teen, once when I was 16 and preparing myself for college, and the last one, in college.


Where did it get me? Nowhere. It messed me up, BIG time.


You know how they say "It takes a good girl to save a bad boy?" You're looking at me. If you think you're going to help him to get along in a "better" path in life, boy are you wrong. Okay, no doubt, your influence on him will be great. You may help him to better himself. You may help him to get into school, graduate, improve his life in many other ways. You might help him to get back on his own two feet, but boy, will you find yourself heartbroken when this bad boy decides to play you and break your heart.


In the end, you really need to watch out for yourself for now, and really see that if he's a bad boy, he's not the type who will remain faithful. I learned the hard way. To a bad boy, you're nothing but a number to his game. But, everyone makes their own mistakes. We can give you a million explainations as to why it's not smart to prolong your contact/relationship with him, but it's really up to you to make your own decisions. Good luck.

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Find a nice, shy boy and go out with him. You'd be amazed at how funny and outgoing they can be when getting to know someone.




but you also gotta make sure that they are assert enough with themselves or else you're going to have a guy who can't even say what he wants...which will lead to problems later on down the road.

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