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My ex-gf dumped me at Xmas and I've posted quite a bit on this forum about the various episodes since. She now has a new bf.


She's been ringing and texting me for ages, I haven't shown any interest at all, which seems to have made her text/call me more.


Last night, she called my room phone and I answered. I said "Please don't call me anymore, I am NOT interested"....she said, "PLEASE I need to talk to you quickly." I said, "You've got five minutes...."


She starts saying she misses me etc. etc. I said, "Look what are you after? You have a bf, you wanna dump him and get back with me or something?" - I just thought I can't be bothered with playing stupid games, just ask her outright - so she said, "You're not interested are you, so we can't".


I thought, right, let's play a game here and prove this once and for all. I KNEW she just wanted attention from me and to know she could still have me, and as soon as I showed I care, she wouldn't care anymore. So I said, "OK then...I am interested. Shall we get back together?" (very tongue-in-cheek). She replied, "Sorry, I have a boyfriend, I am not interested at the moment, sorry. I don't think we should talk anymore." I let out a huge laugh and said, "You do realise I just did all of that to prove a point? I am NOBODY's safety net and I am NOT there to give you attention and an ego boost." and I hung up. Haven't heard from her since.


I have to say guys, I think my ex-gf takes the biscuit....I think I quite possibly have THE biggest moron of an ex-gf of anyone on here! LOL

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Exactly, I agree, playing games is pointless. There's nothing wrong with playing hard to get for a bit, but when you get to the point where your ex-gf has been playing nothing but games for three months, you just can't be bothered anymore...


I proved my point I think - and the good thing is, at last, I've completely and utterly realised she is an absolute idiot

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Ron - the reason some people go through all that is because they are extremely insecure - they HAVE to hear that someone wants them. It's their problem - it's her's - not mine - I am not the insesure one and in the future when I am happy and settled with someone new, she'll be playing these pointless games with some other sucker

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speak for yourself ta ree saw! lol


people who have to put on an act, pretend they don't care - as advised by poco diablo - just come off as sad losers.


life is too short to play games

I never said to "not care."


I said "be a challenge." That means "Don't be boring or overly-serious."

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My girlfriend did this to me as well...

It came to a point where I told her she doesn't talk to my friends, she doesn't talk to my family and she definitely will never talk to me again...


If she continues to contact me I will block her, email, phone number, cell number ect.


She made 2 attempts after that, I just repeated myself and hung up... Then she finally got the point, I haven't heard from her since... Seen her a few times but could have cared less...

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Glad everyone liked the story anyway, at least I cheered a few of you up!


What's funny is, for about a week or so, I was curious...why is she ringing me etc. Now I just think who the hell cares, what a completely stupid, immature, waste of space little girl!

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my ex did the same thing to me 2 weeks ago-in the thread "she's torturing me"

your post made me realize my ex is foolish as well. why go through the trouble if you arent interested? simple, its being a safety net, being put on the back burner. we deserve so much better than what they can give. those calls and texts, garbage

bravo to you sir...i wont fall into my exs trap again.

let the next guy deal with her mood swings. its all or nothing with me, and her actions proved to me its nothing, yet her words were the opposite.

keep strong!

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