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A question for the girls!

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A quick question for girls who have split up with boyfriends/husbands.


What male characteristics do girls miss the most now that their guy is not around?


It can be anything from his smell to the way he ties his shoes! I know what female traits I miss now since my girlfriend left. I'm just hoping to get some insight into what she might be missing now that I'm no longer in her life.

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Ya know what's weird...I missed a lot of things that drove me away in the first place.. I missed his jealousy because it just showed he cared, I missed the annoying way he would always grope me when I was washing my face, I missed the fan that he HAD to have on every night when we slept...there were so many things I missed about him that I never thought I would. I guess you never notice how much you really love the quirky things that you thought you didn't like until yu didn't have them anymore. It's weird how that works.

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The closeness not so much the sex but the fact rather then have sex sometimes hed just wanna hold me , openess , talk about silly things, wittyness ...always seemed so happy to be in my company which made me feel nice.

Always showed me ideas for his music vids etc ...we just clicked..BUT hey if any of u read my situation..none of it was 'real'..the whole 5 years was a total sham!..ohwell!

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When folks reply ... could they say whether or not they initiated the breakup ... whether it was mutual ... or they were let go ...



It doesn't really matter. I was just curious as to which traits of a man that a woman misses when he's no longer in her life. For me, there are so many small things about my g/f that I miss. Things I just took for granted.


And I'm wondering what things that she might be missing. From somebody to hold at night to the way he danced in front of the mirror every morning!! I dont think it matters who initiated the break up. There will always be things that we miss.

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Gosh, this is kinda hard. Split up with my b/f almost two weeks ago. It was kind of mutual. I am still a mess. So I can definitely think of all the things I miss. I miss the way he used to stroke my hair, the way he cuddled me on the couch, the way he held me at night before we went to sleep, the way he made me laugh over the most stupid things (I am quite a serious person), him leaving me notes on the fridge or in my lunch, my goodness, I could go on and on!

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I miss the love I had for him. Even though I met him after the break up, because of the way it ended (very bitterly) I coudn't forget how he had hurt me. And because of that, I felt empty when I was speaking to him, rather than happy (as I used to be). I miss my feelings for him, if that makes sense...


...because there is nothing to miss about that ******* lol!

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I'm gay so I suppose I can reply here. I miss the way my ex hugged me most. He hugged me with such passion, even the last time I saw him. We hugged twice, then I walked down his driveway in the sun for the last time. When we first met i took him back to my room in the officers mess on the motorbike. We used to ride together alot and he used to squeeze me around the waste when we were riding as a sort of sweet gesture. It became our "I love you" on the bike.


I miss travelling to his place (we were long distance), thinking how great it would be to see him. I miss lying in bed - exhausted and looking at the clock saying 3am and realising I had to get up and travel a hundred miles away in a few hours - but trying to stay awake just so I could see him sleep. I would lay there for hours and hours - just watching him sleep like that. And I felt like the luckiest guy in the world. I miss the way he smelt.


I miss the fact that not once, did I ever stop loving him.


But most of all, I miss the way he would - quite randomly - tell me that he loved me. It might be at like 11pm after a really average/normal day. Or when we nearly died climbing once. Sometimes I would think he was angry with me and he would just say it. "I love you".


I think about that, and I smile. If I truly know what love is - I know it only because of him.

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i think every person who grieves about their losses have the similar things they miss about their exes. (the way they act, talk, do stupid things, how they smell etc.)

When people don't miss the other. It would probably the same things (what we miss) that drove them crazy that they find it fine/ok that they broke up.

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Sometimes I cry when i think about it too. But the more I do, the more I realise they are happy tears. The sad tears come when I realise that I was ignoring my own problems because the relationship was so good. Its just the timing was bad.


More and more tho, I think back on the memories, and think... damn. we were so lucky to have spent our time together.

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I miss his goofiness, or just being able to talk about any and everything.I miss pushing his buttons and knowing how to get him mad. I miss the look on his face when he realizes that I could predict his every move because I knew him so well. I miss our many trips arond the world, ending up in the weirdest places.

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