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Contact from exs family

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Hi, I've posted before on my situation - basically got dumped by my 18 yo girlfriend (i'm 26) after a great relationship fell apart. I got too comfortable and she was young. She ended up kissing someone else and making a drama out of a crisis. And so I forgave her, but she ended it soon after.


Anyway, she was raised by her aunt, who contacted me the other day after more than 2 months NC. She asked how i was and said caroline (the ex) misses me. I just said "it was gonna get serious or end and it ended, but we had great times". Said caroline was "only 18 after all", that I was "doing good". Then later I wrote back to say I missed her too. Whats up with the family contact??

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I doubt that her aunt would have just contacted you out of the blue like that and suspect she may have been prompted by the ex.


If she wanted to get back together - would you take her back? Lots of thought required for an answer, I know.

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Family contact is never random unless you were friends with a family member before the relationship or if you are co-workers or something. I would say that she was prompted by the ex to make contact. Something, I think, that is quite childish if you ask me. Before I jump to conlcusions however, has her aunt ever contacted you before outside of the ex? Have you ever spent time with her aunt without your ex there or anything like that?

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Hey, I've been in your shoes. My ex fiancee's mother was doing same thing to me after we split up. She would write emails and sometimes call me. She would say "oh I miss you", "oh she misses you" blah blah blah. Gotta decide what you want to do about it. I told them to knock it off. My ex was trying to get me back. Yours might be doing the same. I agree that it's childish. She should contact you directly if she wants something.


Hi, I've posted before on my situation - basically got dumped by my 18 yo girlfriend (i'm 26) after a great relationship fell apart. I got too comfortable and she was young. She ended up kissing someone else and making a drama out of a crisis. And so I forgave her, but she ended it soon after.


Anyway, she was raised by her aunt, who contacted me the other day after more than 2 months NC. She asked how i was and said caroline (the ex) misses me. I just said "it was gonna get serious or end and it ended, but we had great times". Said caroline was "only 18 after all", that I was "doing good". Then later I wrote back to say I missed her too. Whats up with the family contact??

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LL - I think it is entirely possible it was an un-prompted contact.


Perhaps she sees her neice is dating someone she doesn't like and is reminded of you, someone she DID like. Maybe Caroline has been a bit sad lately or doing things her aunt doesn't like. Maybe the aunt was thinking, "I wonder what ever happened with Caroline and LL! I should give him a call."


I wouldn't read TOO much into it. Sounds innocent enough.

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hmm... hard to tell. the aunt could just be meddling, maybe thinking that you're good for caroline and she'd like to see the two of you together again. caroline could be sad and mopey around the house, but she may still not want to get back together.


or, caroline could have asked her aunt to contact you.... it really is hard to tell.


i think it's better just to look at information coming directly from caroline.


Do you want to get back together with her?

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