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Oh my...

I'm feeling really down at the moment. Okay 2 weeks ago my "boyfriend" don't really know if I can call him that but anyway he rang me and I missed the call so when I did actually realize he rang me it was too late to call back so I just left him a message. He never text me back so I sent him another message the night after when I was kind of drunk.



I know I shouldn't have, but I text him again last night (we usually text each other some time late at night with something weird that makes you think...so I did this) and he never text me back again. Now this doesn't really seem like a big deal but in the year or so I've known him he always does contact me in some way.


There's nothing worse than being ignored. I feel like a fool right now.

We both have agreed that we can see other people and we both can talk about people we're meeting at the moment ect. So I really don't know why he's stopped contacting me.


The worst thing is, just a while ago I got a message from an unknown number saying "Do you want to see me tonight babe..." It ended up being someone sending me that by a mistake. Talk about getting my hopes up.


It feels like I don't have anything because I don't have him. He probably knows that I relly like him If I text him three times in a row

That makes me feel like crap though. I don't know what to do because I'm completely in LOVE with the guy. I think I'm actually going insane because I think about him so much. I never stop really.



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There's no way I could find someone new right now. I really don't want anyone else...


"and for the first time

i feel as though i am reborn in my mind

recast as child and mystic sage


and for the last time

you're everything that i want and asked for

you're all that i dream


who wouldn't be the one you love

who wouldn't stand inside your love"


I never did tell him how I felt about him

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Yeah I suppose that didn't help really but I might have done it anyway if I was sober I just don't know how to cope with it all like I waited too weeks without contacting him and then I had to ruin that by texting him AGAIN last night!

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Yeah I suppose that didn't help really but I might have done it anyway if I was sober I just don't know how to cope with it all like I waited too weeks without contacting him and then I had to ruin that by texting him AGAIN last night!

Seems these days there's a lot of anxiety over whether to contact someone or not and that's even for people who are together! Must be even worse for someone you like and are hoping to be with.


I think you are more into him than he is into you. If you can't see yourself with anyone else now, that will pass. Believe me, I've been there and got the T-shirt.

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Yeah...it just feels like I'm never going to get over him. I mean I didn't see him in nearly a month now and his name keeps resounding in my head.


I had the worst day today. Agh it's just so hard to concentrate on pretty much anything else. I got exams coming up again and I'm really worried.


To top it all off my mom is drunk again I know this has nothing to do with him and him ignoring me but when she used to get drunk before I just rang him up and went out him for a while. To get out of the house. Now I'm just stuck here on my computer typing this just to pass the time away.


I don't exactly want to study because I know if I'll start I just get distracted and plus I just got my Easter holidays. Two weeks of no college. That means I'll be stuck inside for about two weeks... here... in my room.


It's just really depressing knowing that I'm so cut off from the world when I don't have college. I feel like I'm wasting the best years of my life away in this hell. My mom is always at home but I can never speak to her because she's usually too drunk to hold a conversation with and goes to bed about seven at night and wakes up at thre or four the next day.


The only time I can talk to her is when she's sober. It's times like these that I wish I had a job to keep myself occupied. Something to get up for in the morning besides college.


At least he was a distraction...but now he's gone. So low.

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Ok i dont want to sound like this but..... if anyone is in love with someone and you want to be exclusive and not swingers, i suggest you NEVER agree to "see other people" it just hurts to know that the one you love is going on a date with someone else.but anyways, are you sure that the person who texted you back was a wrong number? are you sure he didnt get a new phone or he used a friends? if you still have that number, text them back.maybe he lost his phone was busy and hasnt been able to get ahold of you.i wouldnt say get over him totally yet but that is odd why he hasnt tried and contacted you more.I'd hate to say it but maybe he isnt interested in you anymore. i'm sorry you have to go through this. try and keep your head up girl. best of luck to you.

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It's definitely not him I was talking to the guy on the phone and he apologized.

I think it's really strange too 'cause I never seemed clingy or anything. I never asked him to anywhere I let him do that and even if he didn't feel like seeing me during the weekend he'd always text me asking how I was and any news. I've known him for a long time and we are..or were good friends..

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