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There's this girl I met a few months ago and we clicked right off. There was a mention of a BF but it seems she's ready to move on (I cant really tell you guys the detail because I'm afraid I'll give it away if she goes to this forum. I can be paranoid ). She approached me first (I wasn't attracted to her initially) then as I got to know her and found out we have a lot in common, I started to like her and we talked and flirted a lot.


Last week however I made a big mistake. I got a chance to spend some extra time with her and for some reason I bragged about something (which I normaly dont do) I did it only once though. I guess I did that because it's a natural thing guys do when they like someone. Now I have a gut feeling that I turned her off. I tend to rely on gut feelings since it's almost always correct. Another mistake I made was I gave her my phone number instead of asking for hers, but I didnt give it to her just because I wanted to but because we agreed to do something for a group work. She told me she'll call this week but didn't. I will meet her again in two weeks. Now my question is, when I first meet her I should:


a) Initiate a convo with her and maybe a flirt a little and guage her reaction.

b) Not say a word and wait until she talks to me (see if she still chases).

c) Play it cool and pretend it doesnt bother me even though it does and ignore her.

d) Just move on. She has a BF in the first place (even if she said she's not happy, she still has baggage).

e) Flirt with another girl and see her reaction (for some reason she's jealous of this one girl who she thinks is more attractive than her).

f) You are over analyzing things. Everything should be fine. People make mistakes sometimes and others are usually sympathetic.


Please explain why you picked one over the other.


Thank you in advance.

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a) unquestionably do this

b) you ARE interested right?

c) see above

d) if "a" fails, do this

e) you have to be VERY careful with this one. Depends on her interest level. If she likes you enough, she MIGHT try harder to get you to notice her, or she may decide you're not worth it

f) Do you normally over analyze things?

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one thing I under emphasized was the fact that I kinda bragged about a material object. I know its something I should avoid but the conversation kinda got me going. So my question is (especially to the ladies) is that does this usually mean i hurt my chances? if you're interested in a guy, if he did brag this ONE TIME ONLY (becuase I never brag about material things until that instant), do you usually get turned off or do you look at it more if he does its all the time (brag all the time). I mean does ONE mistake usually break the deal or are most of you aware that when a guy does brag he may be doing it beacuse he IS interested??


please, I really need some feedback.

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