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Having a really "jokes time"... going wild?

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Hey! Okay I need advice majorly! This guy that I'm interested in has asked me to go clubbing. I have a flirty friendship with him within college, and have had for the past good few months. But it's only ever been, in 'innocent old college'... but I know for a fact that he's a really LOUD out-going person, and when he goes out at nights, what he sees as a really good time is going totally OTT, getting pissed and have a 'jokes time'. But what exactly does this entail? He gets bored pretty easily, so I really want to make it so that I'm loud OTT etc. so I need advice as to what to actually do!? Every other time I've been clubbing with other friends (not that often), we just dance a little, sit down have a drink, dance etc... that's it really lol. The obvious would be telling me to get drunk, but the problem is that there's no way this can happen since I go home afterwards. I can probably have a drink to loosen up though, or pretend i'm drunk. So please please guys, tell me ideas on doing wild, loud, fun stuff etc. Thanks so much!

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so I really want to make it so that I'm loud OTT etc.




If you feel you have to perform an act around this guy, do you really want to spend time with him? Wouldn't you rather find out if he is interested in the real you, rather than in whomever you are pretending to be at the moment?

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No no no! Because I CAN be a really loud person but he'll be drunk and wanting to have fun and I dont want to be all sober and boring! Like we get on really well in college but I want him to see that I can be loud too like him too! Seriously! I need this advice because I need him to know he can have a good time with me, he's never asked me out clubbing before !! thanks ! X

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I wonder why you'd want to out with a guy that needs alcohol to have a good time? Certainly if you feel you will be less loud? Are you scared you won't be fun enough for him? Why do you think you want to be like him, shouldn't an ideal date mean that you can just be who you normally are?


Sorry for my many questions, I just wondered.



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What are you comfortable with? If he likes to go get smashed and you do not then I would suggest its probably not gonna go anywhere. He may or may not need alcohol to have fun but if its part of his life and he enjoys it and its incongruent to how you like to have fun then I would definitely look for someone more to your style.


Myself I like to go out to the bar and have fun, but I am not into the night club dancing thing. Although I can dance decently its not really what I like to do with my weekend. Knowing this I can say that I would have difficulty dating a girl who wanted to go to the night club and dancing as her night out. It comes down to what you like and are comfortable with.

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