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anxiety when I wake up

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Hey there everyone....Was wondering if there is anything I can do to help prevent anxiety?...what happens to me is I wake up feeling anxiety and by the time I get to work its gone. This has not happen everyday but enough at least 4 times a week. I am looking for something natural and no meds. I just hate the feeling it gives when I wake up. I think its because of my job and lately, It has been about my ex, when she is in my dreams. I am thinking...since I am getting up really early, maybe I should go for a jog or something. Would physical activities help get rid of this problem or is this something I should go see a shrink about?



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Absolutely try some exercise first before anything.


Are you sleeping alright at night? If not, there are a lot of herbal remedies you can get at your local health store.


As well, if you wake up feeling a lot of anxiety. Lay in bed for a few minutes on your back, close your eyes and breathe deeply and relax for about 5 minutes. This should clear your mind somewhat.


I have a lot of anxiety myself, and whenever it comes, it passes quickly enough but is unnerving.


Also, do some writing in a journal to release pent up emotions you are having.

That should help a lot.

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Thanks for all the comments....


Beyondthesea....I have tried the deep breathing, but I find that it does nothing for me...I have never felt like this before until a year and a half ago. When I would be nervous going to work because the things I had to do that would make my nerves go...but a few weeks ago I find that I am dreaming of my ex alot and wake up feeling even more anxiety than before, and its not like we just broke up...We have been broken up since last july 2005.


Cyberchick...This might be a good idea for me....I feel as though my vitamin intake is not too good so I will try that as well....


renaissancewoman101 ....I would try meditating, but I just do not want to wake up feeling like the way I have with all the anxiety....I just want to wake up feeling normal.


BTW ....i never feel anxiety on my days off...So I am postive it has something to do with work.

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Work can DEFINITELY cause you to feel anxiety. One of my past jobs, I worked in a brokerage firm. I made great money there but I hated my job and hated every minute I was there. Every day I would wake up with such anxiety that I would literally shake. I stuck with that job until my anxiety caused my asthma to act up and I was hospitalized twice for asthma related problems. That woke me up and I change my job for something less stressful.

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Beyondthesea.....Should I buy a total vitamin package like Centrum?....and when taking them should i take them before a meal or after a meal?...and I guess I should not take it on an empty stomach, and if I do take Centrum, I should maybe onlu take half at a time...is that right?


Looking at that chart you gave me opened my eyes...If there is anything else you can help me out with it would be much appreciated

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I know what you mean about the anxiety waking up in the morning. I used to get it every morning after my break up, but it was gone as soon as I got to work also or doing other things, b/c my mind wasn't thinking of her......


I take a multi-vitamin, Vitamin B complex, Vitamin C complex and green tea extract........I would definitely recommend you supplement a multi-vitamin, b/c its hard for anyone to obtain all the vitamins they need thru whole food........and also look into getting a vitamin B complex it promotes mental health and its safe to combine the 2, even though there is Vitamin B in the multi......you will just excrete the excess......if you have any questions u know how to get a hold of me

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