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Do you think soulmates can outgrow each other?


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The topic probably seems like a contradiction, but its something I was randomly thinking about the other day... I'm not sure I even believe in soulmates, although I'd like to.


So what do you all think? Yes/No? Or am I out to lunch for even wondering? lol

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I think all relationships have a shelf life. Could be hours, could be days, weeks, months, years or a lifetime. There are reasons you get involved with someone...although the reasons won't always be apparent to you at the time. Sometimes, you can see them in hindsight. Sometimes you're with someone and the relationship has more to do with their learning/enlightenment than yours. Sometimes, it's the other way around.


Lemme back up a bit -- I believe everything, every person, every relationship, every situation in our lives is an opportunity to learn, to grow as individuals, to teach, or to do all of those things at once.


I also think the idea of a soul mate -- that there's ONE person out there, somewhere who is meant to be with you and only you forever causes people more misery than not. It puts unnecessary pressure on any romantic interaction you have (what if s/he's THE ONE????), and creates unrealistic expectations.


Rather I look at it as there are a number of people I would be compatible with. Depending on my own personal growth, my compatibility with specific individuals is going to change over time. (Change is the only constant in life, after all.) The trick is figuring out how to grow WITH someone instead of growing apart.


If you can figure out a sure fire way to do that, you stand to make yourself a boatload of money. I suspect there are a lot of people who would happily pony up for a solution to that mystery. However the fact that it is, in part, a mystery is what makes it so incredible when it happens.


No matter if the really long term relationship in question is a marriage, a lifelong friend, a boss who takes on a mentor role for you, or any other relationship you're part of.

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I don't believe relationships outgrow one another if they are meant to be, and if people are on the same wavelength.


That being said, if you are truly soulmates, why would you grow apart? I don't think so. I believe as well that we all have several people we could be compatible with, but do soulmates exist?


I think so

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Yes, they can.


When they met they can be at the same "level", but if the relationship is not "even" and someone has more personal grouth than the other, things may not be the same after some years.


Kind of what I always get into, I focus too much on the other person and into help them grow, but forget about myself. So after some time, we are no longer soulmates.

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