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extremely important to find out how much a divorce is??

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i need to find out how much a divorce is. male with 1 kid whom the mother will stay with. they were married for 3 or 4 years and separated for 3 or four also. the reson, they were not happy together. (i guess irreconcible differences) i guess!!! no property dispute or anything. please help and let me know what the prices range. thanks a lot!!! will apreciate it.

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"A divorce will cost as much as you can afford..or more" - I heard that once.


Why doesn't he contact his lawyer about it? It's not just the papers and the filing that is the issue (which also varies from state to state, country to country) but the court time, the legal fees, mediation, and so forth and custody arrangements that add up. Also factor in time off from work (so soft costs).


I have heard the CHEAPEST is $500-1000, but that is without children being involved and so forth (even if mother is to have custody it needs to be legalized), and doing your own papers, and filing on your own. However I think that could cost you more in the long run - unless you are both legally aware I would not recommend doing this on your own.


I have seen the average could be in the 10's of thousands and that is before alimony or child support...$27,000 is a US average I have heard before.

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I'm afraid the price ranges from $0 - over $100,000. It totally depends on how much the couple can settle on their own, how many assets are at stake, how much they fight over things, whether there are businesses, custody issues, and so on. Plus there is a huge range of fees charged by attorneys.


If it is a non contested divorce (meaning the couple agrees on everything) then all they need to pay are the court costs to file the correct paperwork. That depends on the state and county where the divorce takes place.

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wow!!! yes, the guy (my bf) is for me. and im trying to find out if a divorce cause him 5 grand, cause that's what they've said to him. does anybody know how long the process is? is there a website i can go to that he can visit 2 get a cheap divorce?

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It can be 5 grand yes. It can also be a lot more. With a child in the picture though it gets more complicated. I don't think he should be filling out custody forms on his own. It's more important to have an attorney draw that stuff up.


Here's a website that might help link removed

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Hey there,


My parents are divorcing and they opted to use a mediator instead. Lawyers cost too much money and tend to draw out the process. Not all lawyers do it but it happens quite a bit. Plus, my mom drew the papers herself. She did all the legwork herself to save money. She went to the town's clerk office (I think) and got all the necessary forms.


As far as how long the divorce will take? Well, that depends on the parties involved and what needs to be negotiated. I know couples whom wanted it over as fast as possible and some whom drew it out because he/she wanted to be a pain in the you-know-what. There is, however, a mandatory 3-month cooling off period before any papers can be served. Then once the papers are served, a court date has to be set and that depends on a lot of things well, like how backed up the court is, the judge, lawyers, the people whom are divorcing.

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It' not like transferring a car at the DMV. Lots of snags can come up, especially with a child involved. In my state, it starts with the arrival of a document, the first line of which reads, "You Are Being Sued." From there, it's an exchange of forms and negotiations that can turn into a real mess, especially if the lawyers start fighting. The only winners are the lawyers.


Mediators are cheaper and less interested in causing trouble.


Be prepared for some surprises, and good luck with your new husband.

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