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Perspiration while talking to strangers

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I'm 17m but recently found out that i will perspire noticbly when talking to strangers.


After around 5 mins talk with a stubborn salesperson at my doorstep, drips of sweats roll down my cheeks...very obvious! After witnessing that, the salesperson even commented the weather is hot..but he wasn't sweating.


And I also became a member in a gameshop..I've been there and bought games frequently, shopowners are friendly. Each trip there is like 2-3min in the shop..Everytime i got out, forehead, forearm, back and lower leg were sweaty. That place is air-conditioned. In fact, the whole shopping mall is. I only started to perspire when i enter the shop and interact with the ppl there.


It's very embarrassing.


Can anyone help me? Is this due to lack of selfesteem? I'm shy-natured btw...

Really afraid that would jeopardize my love life.

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I think its something that could develop into a vicious cycle.. the more you think about it, the more agitated you get, the more you sweat, so you feel more self consciuos so you feel worse..


Go to your doctors and get some prescription anti-perspirant to make you fell better/more protected against it, thatll be a start. then tackle the psychological side... maybe read up on assertiveness or conversation skills or negotiation skills so you feel better prepared to deal with tough people and situations?

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Well, its nothing to be alarmed about. So dont worry okay. If the doctor can help you they will. Yes, may be good to talk to your parents about it.


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I searched on google for perspiration and found two links that may be helpful. If you wanted, you can do a search there were LOTS and LOTS of pages of info.

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I agree with AntiLove_Superstar.


It'll just develop into a vicious cycle. The more you think about not sweating, the more sweating preoccupies your mind, the more likely you are to sweat, and then get bothered by it. Then think about not sweating even more, and on and on and on.


Why don't you focus on sweating. When you're out, make it a challenge to sweat buckets. When it's something you're not afraid of, it'll stop being your enemy and public places will stop being your trigger.

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Hello, you could have hyperhidrosis which is basically yet another symptom for social anxiety.


Sadly there's little info on the internet that's not related to a not very successful surgery prescribed for that problem (which doesn't attack the source either), but you might find something useful here:


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You have to talk to a doctor about it, if it turns out you're just nervous then the best you can do is ignore you are sweating otherwise it can become a huge issue in your life.

It's nothing terrible anyway, we all sweat.

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"you could have hyperhidrosis which is basically yet another symptom for social anxiety"


Hyperhidrosis is a disease unto itself. There's no way to cure it, except through an open heart surgery, where some nerve is clipped. I've known of many people who were suicidal from this. If anyone is skeptical I will gladly provide links form every medical website I can think of. Sounds like you have it. My hands and feet sweat profusely atleast 15 hours out of the day. So much so where I lose twice to three times the water that someone much more unhealthy than me does. I was diagnosed at age 6. Most of the time I can't even write on a piece of paper. It's not so bad now, because I do most of my work and play outdoors. Don't confuse sweating from nervousness and social anxiety to this disease.

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know where you are coming from. a few years ago i had social phobia and along with it excess sweating and a lot a blushing. I went to the docs, i was so down about it, i gues due to low self esteem and being bullied it was no wounder i had this problem. she said about that opp someone else just mentioned and i was really considering it, i thought couldnt live with this, i thought i HAD to have it. i always blushed lots, but the sweating didnt start until year nine...it was on my feet, my noise and undermyarms A LOT!!!! i couldnt wear any nice clothes always had to cover up and was v.depressed about it being too embarrased to tell anyone. it wasnt until year 11 that i went to the docs and i was give beta blockers. They are meant to help you relax and be less anxious. they slow down your heart rate i think, i found i couldnt exercise much on them. i duno if they helped or not or if it was just in my mind, but i stopped taking them. I used to then just take them when i had exams to try and calm me down. i came off them completely tho in the end, but it is something you could always discuss with your doc.


you can also have injections in your skin to stop sweating, also you can use driclor a deodroant you put on at night and wash off in the morning, it works, duno about the sweating on your face though.


I dont have the prob anymore. i had a year just working when i left sixth form and just completely changed. I worked in a shop and in a pub and gradually started blushing less and my confidence increased as i got used to talking to people everyday until you just didnt think about blushing or sweating. i used to think dont blush dont blush when someone used to talk to me. so i would blush.


i suggest you get out of your comfort zone, get a job like in a pub/shop maybe somewhere where less people you know are likely to go to if you feel more comfortable.


I used to NOT talk to anyone at school now i LOVE meeting new people its my fave thing to do!!!!


i knwo its tough but stop thinking so much about what poeple think of you. The guy who called at your door...so what you'll most likely never see you again...and he's most likely not to think about it again... try think about if you like other people, dont worry what they think of you so much.


but i really suggest get a job where u have to talk to customers.


good luck you can do this, i know u can cuz i have been there and got a lot better.

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