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Defining Passion

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The other night while talking wiht my friends sister I had an epiphany of sorts for myself. I defined for myself the term passion and this is what I came up with.


PASSION = Loving something or someone without fear of failure.


She told me a story, a passionate story about how much she loves dancing and doesnt care if she is good or not. I thought about my own experiences in life and the light bulb went on.


I think its so important to have passion in my life in a variety of areas and having a balance between passions. Maybe this is why realtionships where someone has passion towards the other person, but maybe not towards their job etc. have more problems than relationships where both parties are passionate about a variety things ie each other, jobs, hobbies etc.


I also came to the conclusion that passion is so important for leaders to have, infact I would say its essential whether someone is a leader in sports, politics, work or at home. People really relate to passionate people and I think are attracted to that.

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Passionate to me means being very dedicated to whatever that interest is, and always having that flame. For me, it's music. Making it professionally in music is one of the riskiest jobs out there, mainly from a financial standpoint, and takes a lot of work. I do realize that if I don't practice what needs to be learned, I could end up on the street playing for pennies. I've seen it, been around it, and am so afraid of it that I spend countless hours practicing so I know I won't end up in that situaton. Sure, there are days where I just want to give up and take up another interest, but I love it so much that I can't escape it. It's in my blood. That's passion.


I think it's important for everyone have something that they really enjoy doing or are passionate about. Everyone has their niche. And if you meet someone and their passion seems really boring to you, you have to at least respect it, because some things are very fragile, especially in the arts, since it's so personal.


Just my $0.02.

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Dont think it truly matters what your passion is just as long as you have passion in life. And I would argue the more the marrier! Think people need to have comparable passions but I my experience in the mental health field should me that I respected or at least admired those who had some passion whether it was learnign how to brush their teeth or going becoming the biggest rock star ever.


My 2 Cents.

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Absolutely doesnt matter the "size" of what your passionate about. For me I have a lot of things and one of those small things is shaving with a straight razor. I was always facinated by it and quite frankly tired of paying billions of dollars for razor blades. So I went out and bought one. First time I was scared as hell, running a scalpel along my jugular. But after a few nicks and cuts I felt such a rush. I dont cut myself any more and I now look forward to something so mundane as shaving and cant wait for my facial hair to grow. Gave me a bit of meaning in a small part of my life.

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PASSION = Loving something or someone without fear of failure.


that's intense.... wow...nice definition......yeah I think if you were just passionate about A person, your life would get kind of dull after a while....




that is like the best word EVER!!



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I think passion is just an extreme emotion regardless how positive or negative it is... You can hate someone with a passion, you can love with a passion. Your passion can be what you love to do the most. You can sign with passion (doesn't have to involve love either... Just any type of extreme emotion). You name it... And I think that my dream is someday doing something I am (positively) passionate about for a living even if I don't get enough money for a fancy car or a big house...

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