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anyone a recovered bulimic? In need of help.

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hey peeps


just gone on pill and just had my nails done so i cant be sick. i feel like ripping my nails off and stuffing the pill. CRAVINGS really bad. cant get rid. just wish i could eat normally, small portions and often...but these cravings wont go away...just crave any food really!!! any tips anybody going insane not being able to purge. HELP!


cheers X

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Love yourself , no matter how your body looks, even if you are the most beautifull person in the world, if you don't love yourself you will never be satisfied with who you are. Going from that you are a girl, for who are you doing this? For yourself, or because out of social pressure? Guys want girls, not skeletons with food problems as girlfriends. Ask yourself what in godsname am i doing against myself?


As a guy i also see the countless of beautifull woman in the magazines, and honestly its easy to pinch thru their fakeness. Many of these woman are in a constant state of hell because they are forced and force themselves to look pretty. How can you enjoy life if you don't love yourself? Just eat normal and say * * * * you to all the guys who don't accept you for who you are.

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I agree with Robowarrier, but its hard to believe that looks ARNT the only things we are judged on..


are you in therapy/on meds?


Ive had an ED for about 4 years, the thing that helped me most was reading up on cognitive behavioural therpay (google, books). It didnt cure me but it helped a bit. Journal feelings out as well. And hang around other people, thatll deter you from purging.

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hey peeps


just gone on pill and just had my nails done so i cant be sick. i feel like ripping my nails off and stuffing the pill. CRAVINGS really bad. cant get rid. just wish i could eat normally, small portions and often...but these cravings wont go away...just crave any food really!!! any tips anybody going insane not being able to purge. HELP!


cheers X

you need to set regular meal times for yourself, and stick to them. if you get hungry in between, chew some gum, drink some water or juice.. i know it's hard. but you can learn to eat healthy again. keep in mind that the meals need to be healthy, and balanced..

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