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Well my boyfriend of a 3 yr relationship ended it lastnight with a text message. here is what it read. "11:55 well since your in your room this will be kinda easy im dating someone right now ok not forever just for a while im gone ok bye and not forever remember that come monday its me and my friends and you and your friends ok well bye" Im like so mad i burt like one of his pictures while teary eyed. now im trying to mend everything up. I have every class with him so that mean i have to see him every day until summer break comes.. I need help with things i should do to keep him off my mind. He took away the life i had i was outgoing and had many friends but when i dated him i changed all that for him. And now im trying to get my life back on track. What all should i do to do that? Thanks

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I'm very sorry to hear that & you know what? A guy that cannot at least call you or meet you is a being complete wuss. You don't need a person like that. For him to say that he's already dating someone he probably cheated on you (as much as you probably don't want to hear this).


If it gets too hard to be in a class with him, ask to change the schedule if you can, maybe with a reason that it's affecting your grade & need to concentrate with school. Time will heal your heart but also you also have the time to meet new people, be with your friends and discover what you've been missing.


Try to find new hobbies, do things different everyday & spark your interest. Breaking a routine is one of the best way to keep your mind busy and focus on things that are more important to you. Go buy new clothes for yourself, get a pet, join a club at school, volunteer outside the school with other people, etc.


I wish you the very best & hang in there!

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Yeah, seriously, I understand that you are hurt, but you MUST see how shallow that is of him. Be a bigger person. Go to school with your chin up.. Instead of portraying an image of a broken girl who lost something, try to realize that you are better off, and that you gained something. An understanding that this guy is plain and simply, not good enough for you.

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