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Not sure if I should keep drinking...

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I used to pride myself on the fact that I didn't drink alcohol as I knew it would damage my heatlh - body and brain if I started drinking and got hooked on it...


I guess my attitude changed when I met my bf, I started drinking when out with him in the pubs/clubs and found having a few drinks enjoyable


Now I keep alcohol in the apartment and share a bottle of wine when out to dinner with my boyfriend.


I don't drink to get drunk, if I notice myself feeling odd I'll stop drinking. I have started having alcoholic drinks with my dinner at home too. I've never drank so much that I lost control of myself, I wouldn't like to get drunk as there are things that are in my head that I can't let slip out.


Sometimes I wish I could stop, but I like the taste...


Last week I got so disgusted and poured a bottle of bacardi breezer down the drain.


I don't think I'm addicted, but like smoking it's a bad habit, but it's not a habit I hear people giving up. I've had 2 big glasses of irish cream whiskey already today and feel like having another glass before putting the bottle back in the fridge...


Is giving up alcohol a worthwhile thing to do?

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If you are getting worried then start thinking about easing it. Like don't drink alcohol at home - and tell that to your bf too - making you both healthy.


If you can't ease it... then something is wrong. And then your start denying and having an acoholic at home is a pain, and I don't think you want to be a pain

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I was thinking your 22 and drinking in your early 20's is normal. In the states the legal drinking age is 21. If you were to drink to get drunk, start your day off with a drink, and couldnt get through a day without a drink then I would say you have a problem. What you wrote in your post I couldnt say it is a problem for you.

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Drinking is all new to me as I didn't start drinking until after I was legal whereas most of my friends drank since they were 15/16 etc. My parents never kept alcohol in the house apart from a few weak shandys for themselves at christmas so I feel that drinking is letting them down in a way as I wasn't brought up this way. I guess I drink at home or in restaurants more as I don't like the atmosphere in pubs and clubs... Cutting back to the weekends is a good idea

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Having a drink once a week, or a few times (few glass of wine, or few shots of liquor) is normal, and will not be detrimental to your health. Unless of course you have stomach ulcer, liver disease, etc. The Bible says that "a glass of wine makes a merry soul". If you get drunk every weekend, or drink to cope with problems, then you have a problem.

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I thought there was no problem with your drinking habits as I read you post until I read this

Sometimes I wish I could stop, but I like the taste...


Anyone who says they wish they could stop but (insert reason for not stopping) has a problem, or at least a potential problem.

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there is nothing wrong with having a couple of drinks, just don't do it daily. i don't drink at home, just if i go out to a club.. i don't normally drink at weddings either. if you find your self wanting to drink all the time, then it's time to give it up completely.

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18 is the legal age for drinking in my country. I've stopped drinking alcohol in pubs and will stop drinking at home and will try to just limit myself to an occasional drink with evening dinner in restaurants for special occasions. And definitely no cocktails. I just don't want to become dependant on drink or ever become the sort of person who spends 100's of $$$ on booze.

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I think I only look 15 - 17 as I usually get stopped going into over 18's and over 21s clubs and dread going out without my passport! althou sometimesi think it's a confidence thing or how much skin I'm showing (or not showing!)

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