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I've been cheated on, make me feel better....Please?


*hugs* It happened to me as well. I understand that it can be very cruel, but you need to take it one day at a time. I do hope that you feel better, whether it be sooner or later.

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Remember it's happen to so many of us, but know that is has nothing to do with YOU. If someone is a cheater they will do it to anyone eventually, it's either part of your character or it's not. So please do NOT take it personally, it's not about YOU, or that you were not good enough, or anything like that. Some people are seduced by "newness", and in life "newness of another person" is always going to be there, but when someone is MATURE, CLASSY, KIND, they do NOT even consider cheating an option, so your 'ex's" actions say so much more about THEM then it does about YOU. You are a class act and deserve a wonderful, kind, trusting person, who has enough SELF RESPECT to not cheat on anyone, expecially YOU. You will be okay, you will be okay, I promise, I so promise this to you, this all happened for a reason and yes I know it hurts so deeply, but hold your head up high and know that you have a "choice" in how to respond to this, and that is to say, "IT"S NOT ACCEPTABLE", no matter what the excuse is, you are worthy of the kind of love you give, and nothing less... hang in there, keep writing here, we care, and YOU WILL GET THROUGH THIS, in the long run the CHEATER always feels worse, if you stay away long enough to let them FEEL IT..... NO contact..for today, let it go....

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