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I met this guy a year ago on vacation he lives six hours away. Everytime i would go back to that destination we would see eachother and go on a date. But he is french, speaks english with a french accent that i dont understand sometimes. Anyways, we talk online every few days but i think about him all the time! a few months ago i told him i liked him and he said he doesnt feel a special connection between us, and he said when i go there we can see eachother and go out and have fun. The last time i went there he told me he couldnt see me because he had a girlfriend, since then he has asked me for adive about the girl when they broke up. We started talking more frequently since he has asked me for advice we got a little closer on a friendship level. I think about him most of the day and actually can't wait to come home and see if he is online. I have no idea what if he thinks about me, or if he likes me now?? Or maybe i am over reacting about him? I really like him but im sick of sitting here wondering what he thinks of me, how can i find out how he really feels, i do not want to come off obsessed, that would be the last thing i would want to do. Advice needed!

Thank- you

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This is not what you want to hear, but its reality.


He doesn't like you in 'that' way, everything that he says does, establishes that he does not love you. Love is only coming from one way, namely your way. The fact that he chosed another gf (or girl) over you , means that your not his nr.1 choice.


You are overreacting over him and you are obsessed in a natural extend that you are simply head over heels in love with him.


Your idea of a life with him has NO chance of succes.


I want you to end this stuff, because in the long run it will only bring you a lot of misery and pain. Understand that this is a dead end road , your love is 6 hours away and it doesn't love you back. What more conclusive answers do you need? Its time for you to move on with your life.

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ouch. I'm sorry. It sounds like he's not interested in you romantically, and he's saying it loud and clear! (even if you don't understand his accent.)


Look, if he liked you, he would be going to see you. Instead, you go off and see him, right? It sounds like he likes you as a friend, and at most, as a fling, but it doesn't sound like he wants to be your boyfriend.


I would try to detach myself from him, and try to meet some men in your area who are interested in you.


good luck

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