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do you think shes looking for something also?


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so me and this girl were getting close a few months ago, we talked alot on aim and on the phone every so often, it was kinda onvious to me that she liked me and she knew i liked her. but everything seemed to start to get weird. she started blowing off our plans with excuses that something happened and what ever. if it was a normal case i would have said she doesnt like me and move on, but she alwaysed seemed to be sorry and call me to talk so that gave me the impression that she wanted some kind of relationship with me. after making plans about 5 times and only 2 of them actualy happening i said you know what, no matter how much i like her its not worth it. so i slowly stoped talking to her and then she stoped calling. i didnt really lose interest in her over about a month of not talking. but then she suddenly mesaged me the other nite and we have been talking online a little bit. i told her that she should call me again sometime and that i want to talk to her more. but then she seemed to give me a weird answer no where near what you would say if i told you that. so she seems to always be avioding the issue of getting close and i cant figure out why. but for her to be talking to me again i would assume shes interested but why would she bee avioding this? and how should i go about this??

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I don't know about that Elektra... If she were truly not interested wouldn't she not bother making any contact at all? Sounds to me like she's just really confused about what she wants. Maybe she's scared of getting hurt or has other things going on and it's just bad timing. I would take the continued contact as a good sign. However, don't put all your eggs in her basket. She may just want to be friends, she may decide she doesn't have time, or it's not worth the risk. See where things go, but don't get your hopes up and try to keep your distance emotionally, at least until you find out for sure one way or the other.

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