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Broke NC...but feel really happy about it.

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Hi all


i broke NC the other day and then today too. But only to make my ex understand that she shouldn't mail me anymore for favours ( such as the other day she sent me a mail asking to forward a song)....I sent the song as attachment anyways with this mail


I also told her incase she wanted any favours from me in near future she can just do link removed. Then i thanked her for not wishing me on my birthday and making my day again.I then lied to her that i sometimes wander about her place and was almost so near to her home but i didn't feel like knocking on the door. I know i shouldn't have said that and given that link, would have made me sound very mean.I have always been nice to her anyways.


was just kiddin though.....she felt offended and then i got a call from her. i knew she would call, but i dunno why but i couldn't help myself just burst into laughter and kept on laughing


i took the call, and she said stop acting like a moron and don't laugh, stop mailing me and hanging about my place, i don't care what you do with your life and just stop doing this, don't contact me in any form in future. I was happy and really happy to get the words from the devils own mouth.I said fine and we hungup.


She thinks i am sitting here waiting for her response and thinking i will never get over her, what an ego man......she hasn't lost her touch, the same behaviour, the arrogance, the brains and the body to match for. I think all the begging and stuff has boosted her ego a bit. I know i was little harsh on her this time but for her personal growth and mine too i had to do this.


Thank goodness she dumped me.....i was just feelin guilty for not being with her , missin her each and every day but now i really thank her from the bottom of my heart for dumping me and not loving me anymore.


i sent another mail to all her accounts after that call, to please never ever think about contacting me.....its over in all respects and please grow up, stop contacting your ex's.I felt like saying * * * * off Nia right there but stopped after all i wasted my love on this * * * * *.


I also found out new ways of gettin past her home, she apparently knows i go past her house each day for my cisco training. its little expensive now but atleast i will not bump into her in that * * * *ing place accidentally.


Sorry guys for all those swears, i had to let it out somewhere.


i know when this feeling subsides i would be little sad can't help it......i am the sentimental kind.


Thanks for all your patience and the advices for helping me thru this crap.

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Spawn, I am truly sorry for it is obvious you are in a lot of pain. I have nothing to say about what transpired between you and your ex, but I will say that your only course of action at this point, if you want to move on and be happy, is to not contact her again.


Go buy a calendar, just for this occasion and mark off each day that you dont contact her. It can be your special calendar. Good luck





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i took the call, and she said stop acting like a moron and don't laugh, stop mailing me and hanging about my place, i don't care what you do with your life and just stop doing this, don't contact me in any form in future. I was happy and really happy to get the words from the devils own mouth.I said fine and we hungup.


That made me just laugh. You're returning her message to ask her not to contact you anymore and she tells you not to contact her? lol Talk about the pan calling the kettle black. What an ego, it's all about her, huh?


At least breaking NC has helped you to realize that you have nothing really to agonize over. She really doesn't deserve you man and you deserve so much better.

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ha.....thanks guys, yup its over its over its over and i am finally free, she has blocked me from one of her accounts i just got one of my mails back. Gr8 work my ex. U have to be given an oscar for all the pain and the drama you put me thru. You surely deserve one.


Pebu you never deserved me.....

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your only course of action at this point, if you want to move on and be happy, is to not contact her again.


I agree with Orlander.



She thinks i am sitting here waiting for her response and thinking i will never get over her, what an ego man......she hasn't lost her touch, the same behaviour, the arrogance, the brains and the body to match for. I think all the begging and stuff has boosted her ego a bit. I know i was little harsh on her this time but for her personal growth and mine too i had to do this.


Thank goodness she dumped me.....i was just feelin guilty for not being with her , missin her each and every day but now i really thank her from the bottom of my heart for dumping me and not loving me anymore.


i sent another mail to all her accounts after that call, to please never ever think about contacting me.....its over in all respects and please grow up, stop contacting your ex's.I felt like saying * * * * off Nia right there but stopped after all i wasted my love on this * * * * *.


Clearly you're still hurting, and still a little hung-up on her if you're writing about her with such emotion (even if it's negative emotion).


As you get further along in the healing process, you will reach a point where it will not even be worth your time or energy to think about her, in any way. Now that you finalized everything, and she will not be contacting you and vice versa, hopefully you'll reach that point sooner.


I hope things get better,



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well ya, Bugg i thank her for that favour too and have returned it by blocking off her remaining addresses in my account too, heck i have blocked the domain only, even if she registers with a new user id. All future mails will be deleted without confirmation.

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ok well I actually didn't read that ALL the way to the end, but i read most of it, and I wish I was feeling anger towards my ex because feeling angry is easier than feeling PURELY depressed. But he was just so sweet about everything. I wish he wasn't, I wish he said "You know, maybe I have been a jerk". Or at least broken up with me over the phone. Or in a text. Just SOMETHING so I can be like He's a jerk I don't need a jerk!!!!!!! You have that so this must be a LITTLE better because you can just be like I dont need that pyscho we didn't get on at ALL. Anyway good luck you shall get through this xx

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When someone is NICE during a breakup..or even afterward, I think it sometimes does the dumpee a disservice, ESPECIALLY if there were no real grounds for the breakup to begin with. As bad as it sounds I would prefer someone to give me a REASON to be angry or grateful for the breakup..ie, being a jerk to me, rude, etc. It gives me something TANGIBLE. Not just thoughts of WHY WHY WHY????? I hope that makes sense....

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yes bella i am hurting, may take time to heal also. Its ok i can live with that rather than sitting and missing someone who never gave me the respect in the relationship.


i still remember vaguely during the call she was saying i don't care about forgiving you or you forgiving me.....She said she wouldn't apolozise for whatever she did in the relationship.


i think the day she loves someone very much and he dumps her for somebody else then only she will realize what it feels like being at the receiving end. Although i always said that mistakes where commited from both sides. I still took all blame for the failure of the relationship perhaps that might have made her ego go beyond the universe.

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ok well I actually didn't read that ALL the way to the end, but i read most of it, and I wish I was feeling anger towards my ex because feeling angry is easier than feeling PURELY depressed. But he was just so sweet about everything. I wish he wasn't, I wish he said "You know, maybe I have been a jerk". Or at least broken up with me over the phone. Or in a text. Just SOMETHING so I can be like He's a jerk I don't need a jerk!!!!!!! You have that so this must be a LITTLE better because you can just be like I dont need that pyscho we didn't get on at ALL. Anyway good luck you shall get through this xx


actually she is just pissed off very much since i did say a lot in that email about me solely taking the blame for the failure of the relationship and she did what she felt was right in her opinion and i have no hard feelings regarding whatever happenned between us.


I have never blamed her any time even when she left me for her ex and then came back, never made an issue out of it for she was surely hurting a lot at that time.

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thanks blue, this has been some heck of a experience.........i have never seen girls so much screwed up in life. Guess she is one of a kind. Hope she does get a guy who really works it out with her and hope she has both her brain and her heart working in tandem to understand him.

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as expected once the feelings subsided i am sad once again.


I don't feel any pain, haven't cried for 3 months, don't feel anythin for me or for her....just numb and sad about the whole thing


Orlander thanks, i have put up a calendar, although i broke the 4 week NC for a reason, i feel the kiddin part shouldn't have been there in the mail, she might have felt i am kinda stalking her or making fun of her by sending that fugoogle link.


You were right i can never ever think of any kinda relationship with this girl leave alone friendship.


To tell you the truth it sux to know she is not the person anymore whom i loved so much. She has probably moved on and pretty much over with me.

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