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In order to keep ones self sane, one must not forget what one is. We as humans are animals, and animals must kill to survive. We as humans must alos kill to survive. As humans we are taught that we are not animals, but by denying this we deny what we are. In order to keep our selfs sane we have to kill others. Now i don't mean really take a kinif and kill someone, i maen in our minds.


Think of someone that has pissed you off today. Relive that moment in your mind, Now take out a knife and stab that person until they are dead. By doing this we make sure that these emotions do not excape into the real world. If these feeling find their way out in to our world, then that is how our society Gets messy. Inside all us there is a little monster that represents our animal side. We must makle sure not to neglect those little woilf-facead monkies.


By making sure these little monsters stay inside of us and stay satisfied, we keep our society nice and clean . Using violent thoughts can accompish this, just make sure thast you don't really kill someone. I don't take anyresponsabilty for your actions. Just remember, pain is a food that is nessary for growth. Sry for the extremly messed up order every thing is in. But if your smart you should figurout what i am saying.


Ideas sponserd by Rob Schrab

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If we kill thoes that make us mad in our minds, then nothing bad can happen to us in real life, except the fact that we will feel more relaxed. i offten feel the urge to stab people in the hallways at school because thet have troubel walking and talking. So i just use a violent fantasy, to solve my problems. It is a lot more effective then botteling up those feelings. then hitting someone or something latter.

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How many animals do you know that build rockets that end up in space?


And in many ways we have gone backwards compared to animals, biologically they want to define us animals,or as mammals but we have exceeded and discarded that skin long time ago. We live COMPLETELY unnatural lives, and often the real animals have to be saved from the beasts that we as humans represent.


We don't have to kill anything, in fact technology will come that will sustain our bodies purely by extracting energy from air so that 'eating' or killing as you name it will become absolete.


Our free will even tho its limited and our creative abilities has made us exceed other animal life by thousands of years, in terms of intelligence,progress and what not.

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Good Grief


Your 15 years old and you have this thought process? What are they teaching you kids in school these days?


Come on lighten up and enjoy being a kid! You too Tesseract. You think life is tough on you now well kids it gets alot tougher the older you get so enjoy this free time you have.

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I also believe we should not deny that we are also animals. I believe we humans are even worst than animals; killing our own species, not respecting anyone and not living in a peaceful world. Well if you want to look at it biologicaly, the fact that there are wars is "competition" as in the animal world.


Anyways, if you think of killing someone in your mind, you are in fact making the "hateness" stronger in you, and you being young as you are, it's kinda bad in the future, because you'll hate everyone.


If someone pissed you today... go scream, run, draw, make poetry, but never feed "hate" it's not worth it.

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Come on lighten up and enjoy being a kid! You too Tesseract. You think life is tough on you now well kids it gets alot tougher the older you get so enjoy this free time you have.


It is not so much "tough" as it is "indignant." I feel helpless to manage my own thoughts; and if this is truly a time to be "free," I shouldn't even have this problem to begin with.

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It is not so much "tough" as it is "indignant." I feel helpless to manage my own thoughts; and if this is truly a time to be "free," I shouldn't even have this problem to begin with.


get over it. life is tough and it gets tougher. at the moment you live with your parents and you have only school/friends to worry about. in the future you have uni/work/money/socialising/studies/home/bills etc. what you feel right now is healthy, believe it or not. the other time i read this website which said this is healthy - im going to try and find it.


[edit] The healthy bit is the anger. and plus, you will know how to manage your feelings. You know that you can only manage "love" when you have you brain fully grown? that's why teens are so confused regarding to love - because they can't control what they feel. [/edit]

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Raccoon is right, but his thought process seems a little too ambitious . Humans are mammals and animals and always will be. Technology and medicine certainly help us, but a heart, brain, and soul can never be replaced by a computer. Humans do need to kill each other. If this weren't the case, we would be typing in German right now. Or Latin for that matter. We also need to kill other species to eat.

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Raccoon is right, but his thought process seems a little too ambitious . Humans are mammals and animals and always will be. Technology and medicine certainly help us, but a heart, brain, and soul can never be replaced by a computer. Humans do need to kill each other. If this weren't the case, we would be typing in German right now. Or Latin for that matter. We also need to kill other species to eat.


Animals don't kill their own species - for fun or to eat. It happens during competition of space, food or mate. Humans do NOT need to kill each other. If they did need, you would be dead by now. Anyways, are you in other words saying that a serial killer can kill? Is it moraly right to do so? Would you let yourself be killed, because another human being need to do so? And don't you think that if we all wrote in latin there would be less conflicts around the world?



Sorry to bombard you like that..

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Sorry if my post was confusing. It's too confusing too think whether people need to kill or not. What I meant was that people DO kill, and they will until the end of time. A serial killer will kill, and in return we need to kill him via the death penalty. If someone wants to kill my family, then it is my reponsibility and my necessity to kill them first. If one evil dictatorship, or terrorist group rises up against a free country, then they need to stop them, and usually that means people get killed. I don't know about the Latin. The answer is probably, but kind of irrelevant to ponder.

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In order to keep our selfs sane we have to kill others. Now i don't mean really take a kinif and kill someone, i maen in our minds.


Nope, can't say I've ever had to think or do that to keep myself sane. In fact just doing that, seems to me to be bordering on the INsane, to be honest.

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Sorry if my post was confusing. It's too confusing too think whether people need to kill or not. What I meant was that people DO kill, and they will until the end of time. A serial killer will kill, and in return we need to kill him via the death penalty. If someone wants to kill my family, then it is my reponsibility and my necessity to kill them first. If one evil dictatorship, or terrorist group rises up against a free country, then they need to stop them, and usually that means people get killed. I don't know about the Latin. The answer is probably, but kind of irrelevant to ponder.


I don't agree with some statements you've arised. Killing is not the only way.

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get over it. life is tough and it gets tougher. at the moment you live with your parents and you have only school/friends to worry about. in the future you have uni/work/money/socialising/studies/home/bills etc. what you feel right now is healthy, believe it or not. the other time i read this website which said this is healthy - im going to try and find it.


[edit] The healthy bit is the anger. and plus, you will know how to manage your feelings. You know that you can only manage "love" when you have you brain fully grown? that's why teens are so confused regarding to love - because they can't control what they feel. [/edit]



I am not one to moan about life's difficulties, for I myself, am a rather apathetic being; I am simply proving the point that many seem to overlook about we teens--we have absolutely no direction. That is as much demoralizing as it is frustrating--at the very least when you are out of high school you either have your desired career, or you just wasted about 12 years of your life striving to achieve that goal. Things do come up, it is understood; but at the least you had direction--a plan, a chance at anything at all. Some of us are lacking that; I just want to be able to have a sort of guide--blindness is the greatest deceiver of all.

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Have you not been thrust into a state of submission before? Do you realize the injustice of it; how can we be so self-destructive as to bring omens upon ourselves? Teenagers are some of the best candidates for this--and believe me, I am sickened that they feel it is "them against the world." It is a ridiculous idea. I am disgusted that with the awareness I, like everyone else, brings trouble upon myself--if we are intellegent enough to recognize our faults, why can we not correct them? Is it our curse that we are made clever enough to sense our ignorance, but too ignorant to change it?

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Nope, can't say I've ever had to think or do that to keep myself sane. In fact just doing that, seems to me to be bordering on the INsane, to be honest.


What do you mean, "INsane"? Have you never in your life tried to shoulder the blame upon another, to prevent yourself from feeling so guilty you were certain it would eat you alive? And have you never harbored animosity towards others when enraged by them? It would suit you better to beat yourself up, rather than to secretly hex them, desire revenge--you are not at fault whatsoever, you were attacked out of prejudice; the antagonists were stereotyping womanizers, let the situation be. Is there any logical reason to not detest, thus desire to "kill" them--even mentally?

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I can honestly say that I have NEVER walked around with such anger that I have the deire to mentally kill someone.


In my opinion,and I talking about ME and no one else....Just the thought of thinking about stabbing someone to death because I can't deal with my own anger and problems would tell me that I am unstable and I need help.

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I can honestly say that I have NEVER walked around with such anger that I have the deire to mentally kill someone.


In my opinion,and I talking about ME and no one else....Just the thought of thinking about stabbing someone to death because I can't deal with my own anger and problems would tell me that I am unstable and I need help.


Better thinking than doing it physically

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