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A question for the men..


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So there's this guy that's been flirting with me for a few months and he seemed to like me, however whenever we go out in a group he ignores me! He acts like he cares one minute and then ignores me the next. I don't get it. Can any guys shed some light on this?



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Bkjsun, he's in his late twentys and I think he's immature too. I don't think he's hiding it from his friends.


If you think he is immature why are you interested in him? I don't think it is generally a good idea to go out with someone you don't respect.

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That's a tough one. I can tell you that I do that purposely sometimes though if I'm interested in the girl. Why? I guess I don't want to let her know how much I'm into her because I'm afraid she'll think I'm coming too strong or something. I know it makes absolutely no sense and I did the same thing on a date with this girl last night!


It's not that I didn't talk to her at all, but I spent more time talking to people in the group. She actually talked to this other guy we were out with more than me, and I got felt kinda jealous lol.


I'm a shy guy and sometimes I need a bit of nudge just to let me know she's interested. After I get over that, I warm up to it. Try laying it on him and see how he reacts. You said a few months, so I would give it a good push, but if his interest level doesn't turn around soon, I would just let it go.

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I really did respect him. I think he's acting immature because he doesn't know how to express his feelings so he acts like a kid.


P.S what should I do now? I still have feelings for him and if he starts flirting with me again whats the best way to act around him? Do I just act as a friend? Or flirt back (I don't usualy flirt back) and see what happens?

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This kind of game could go on forever if someone doesn't step up to the plate and do something and it sounds like it ain't gonna be him so do yourself a favor and ask him for coffee or think of some way to do something together with him so he can start to feel more comfortable around you and won't be scared b/c thats what it sounds like he is.

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I don't know what to think anymore. I saw him today and he was looking at me till he saw me look then he looked away. There were so many signs that showed he liked me and this has just thrown me.


Either way I feel like I should talk to him because if he starts flirting with me, I want to know whats going on so I just might ask him outright and see if he likes me.

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