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In that case, suicide is something to avoid for the sake of you and others who care.

It's a bad thing to not try to solve your problems. It's a bad thing to hide your misery from people who care. It's dishonest.

Be honest with yourself. Don't you get tired of feeling bad? There's more that one way out of it, and getting help has bonuses. You get to enjoy the gift of life without destroying your family. There's no downside at all.


The other way out lacks these happy benefits.

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You get to enjoy the gift of life without destroying your family.


Gift? What gift? Oh you meant curse? Being in pain for most of your life is not a gift at all. I disagree with you. I have gotten help, I have a lot of really close people in my life, that I know would lay in traffic for me, yet they all seem distant.


Copper, there is nothing wrong with suicide. I don't care what anyone says. As long as you do everything in your power to help yourself first! I have gotten help and I'm still not happy. But, I do love myself and I won't give up. I have things in life that bring me happiness, but it doesn't last. The truth is, since you haven't gotten any help, you are sinking deeper and deeper everyday. You're gonna hit rock bottom eventually and then that is the time you will make the choice; LIFE or DEATH. Life is neither a curse or a gift, it's a game.

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