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Hi I'm new and want to ask a question. I have this girl in my Life Drawing class that sometimes gazes in my eye or look over at me and she is sitting right next to me. I always get chocked up on talking to girls and asking them out, so I decided to write her a letter with my number and give it to her when the period ends and see if she will call me. Is this a good idea also I am 17 and had no relationship before. Don't laugh. Please help me ](*,)

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If I were her, receiving a letter from you would be like "whoa, this guy never talks to me and he's giving me a letter. . ..??!"

If you talk to her (you have to try.) then maybe later on sometime a letter would be a better idea, but I'd suggest you try moving past giving her a letter unless you really absolutely cannot gather the courage to ask her. But at least establish something before a letter.

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I agree with Xmrth - as a girl, if I got a letter from a guy I'd never talked to, I'd be sort of weirded out.


Although if its a guy I was into, I'd prolly be happy with any thing I got from him, but I agree with both posters so far, talk to her, no note, just talkie.


It IS hard an no one would ever laugh at you for feeling that.


My advice is... start small. Like Shysoul would say, start small. Just say Hi once.


Then another day, say hi again.


Then if/when you see her in the halls, say hi.


Eventually you can have a longer conversation. If you know her name, use it once, say, "Hi xxxxx"


That's how these things start. Looking, saying hi, longer conversations. Don't be afraid to let it take its course. Take the time that may be required. Ya never know, if you start saying hi, she might start talking to YOU.

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Maybe if you're too shy to approach her you can start by sitting next to her....


And scribbling down "Hey" in your sketchbook...that way you can have a conversation as you're drawing without having to converse?


A letter may come off a bit strong if you don't know the girl.

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tell her a joke!! (after you talk to her a little bit...)


here are two that the first guy I ever kissed (in high school) told me :


what did the X chromosome say to the Y chromosome??


....I like your jeans!! ha ha


what room has no walls?


....a mushroom!! ha ha



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It's natural to be nervous and to worry about every little thing. That's ok. But the key is to relax and realize that this is just another person that you are trying to get to know. Don't put so much pressure on yourself. If you worry like this, you will probably make things harder on yourself and are more likely to panic and say or do something you don't want to say or do.


Also keep in mind that she is probably just as nervous as you are. She hasn't gotten up the nerve to go up and talk to you either. For all you know, she is sitting at home right now having the same thoughts and concerns. Talking to someone like this can be scary for anyone, so take comfort in knowing you aren't alone in your nervousness.


If she has been looking at you alot, that means she is curious about you. She probably wants to talk to you and won't forget a conversation over the weekend. You really do need to just try and stay calm, see that she has been looking at you and wants to talk, believe in yourself, and then just talk to her.


Ta_ree_saw - To be fair, credit for the start small advice goes to Smallworld. But its good advice for anyone.

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