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feeling a bit low today :-(

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Hello there folks, and just another quick update from Cumbria.


Well, after my show of confidence a few Saturdays ago, I suffered a slight setback yesterday and am feeling a bit low today...


I wanted to go to a quiz last night with some friends, until I discovered that my ex was going there too. I quickly changed my mind and went to see a film on my own instead. Unfortunately it was a very depressing film, and I almost ended up leaving the cinema in tears. To make matters worse, I spotted my ex's car in the car park and all the emotions began welling up again. My friends were still taking part in the quiz, so I ended up going home by myself and felt so %$£^ lonely...


Like so many other posters have mentioned, it's awful being on this rollercoaster. I really felt I had made such good progress a few weeks ago, and all it takes is a depressing film and a "viewing" of my ex's car to set me back again...


Anyways, I'm sorry for venting folks, I'm not really looking for any advice as such, just needed to get things off my chest.


Thanks again for being there and for listening to my whingeing,



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Many thanks for your words of encouragement, friscodj!


You know, sometimes I just don't understand myself: I have a loving family, good friends, a warm and safe place to live, a job I enjoy and lots of hobbies, so how come I allow one person to make me feel so low and miserable?


It doesn't make sense sometimes...hmmm....maybe I'm just having a bad day and should see things in perspective ;-)

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This is one of the tricky parts of healing; we want to do it right now! We're going to have to have a lot of patience with ourselves, Pikey. I have a question for you, since my Instant Karma book says "play inspiring music." What music do you all find inspiring? I've put away all my regular cd's --- they reminded me too much of the ex. I want to hear something primarily musical (not vocal, unless it doesn't involve any romantic stuff). Does anybody have a favorite?

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I want to hear something primarily musical (not vocal, unless it doesn't involve any romantic stuff). Does anybody have a favorite?


may i suggest Buddha Bar. Not many like them tho. Somethin different to listen too.


To make matters worse, I spotted my ex's car in the car park and all the emotions began welling up again.


Don't worry......i am gonna go past my ex's house, the road and then the places where we used to hang out. Its tough i know as i am also going thru it. Just feel the pain and be there for you. I remember when i used to fail in some subjects in my school i used to think about how better i would do the next time and i always did.that might sound stupid but things do get better.

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I am so sorry to hear that you had a down day . We all know that there will be ups and downs when it comes to our feelings for the ex. Hopefully the downs are getting less and less.


Never say it's whining, it's venting to friends who understand what you are going through. Stay strong and know we are here

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Many thanks for your words of encouragement, friscodj!


You know, sometimes I just don't understand myself: I have a loving family, good friends, a warm and safe place to live, a job I enjoy and lots of hobbies, so how come I allow one person to make me feel so low and miserable?


It doesn't make sense sometimes...hmmm....maybe I'm just having a bad day and should see things in perspective ;-)


i understand what you're saying

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Many thanks everyone, I really appreciate your kind words (and the hugs of course ;-))


Feeling a bit better today, although I had a disturbing dream about the ex: we were at a party and he was there with his new girlfriend and her two daughters. Everyone was chatting to him / laughing with him, and I felt like a spare part.


On the positive side: I'm going to see a cheerful film tonight with a friend, so that'll cheer me up!


Thanks again everyone,



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